
Shady Russian Oligarch Pays No Money For No Apartment!

Choire · 11/08/07 03:20PM

So the $150-million triplex deal trumpeted in the Post today? It's not a deal at all! Our crazy gazillionaire Russian friend Len Blavatnik is not only not planning to buy Manhattan's most expensive apartment in the future, he has already "declined." Ouch, Braden Keil. Update: Says the Post's real estate reporter Mr. Keil: "They should at least have their 'source' go on the record if they want to discredit my story. It's just sour grapes on their part. A letter of intent was signed for those units and that's the story. It doesn't mean he bought it." The Observer story did not say that Keil misreported the letter of intent; they did however say that our Russian friend did not actually have current intent to purchase the apartment.