
Celebrities on Iraq

Gawker · 03/14/03 07:11PM

The LA Times' Howard Rosenberg joins the "Shut Up, Celebrities!" lobby in the war on Iraq. "If six anonymous pipe fitters called a news conference to rail against President Bush's drive to invade Iraq, how many camera crews or pen pushers with notebooks do you think they would attract? How many radio reporters? Try zero...What if the same pipe fitters had genius IQs, spoke Arabic fluently and had spent their lives studying foreign affairs? Same answer." Rosenberg says it's the media's fault for granting celebrities air time and print space. But he didn't specifically mention the Internet and we're apparently not a legitimate "media outlet"! (The Nicky Hilton interview on chemical demilitarization in Iraq is still on!)
Celebrities spout opinions, but who asked them? Blame media. [LA Times via IWantMedia]