
More Credit Cards You Will Never Have

Hamilton Nolan · 03/12/08 10:42AM

MasterCard has just released a new credit card for the good people of Dubai—the good, rich, rich, rich people. The Dubai First Royale MasterCard is invitation-only, offered to a "select" group of elites who "must possess the right criteria in terms of social standing and profile." And are very rich. The card itself is diamond-studded—practical and functional. It offers benefits like a huge credit line and a personal concierge. Neither you nor we shall ever have one of these. Sob. Below, a guide to other deluxe credit cards neither of us will ever be invited to own; press your nose to the glass and salivate at the pretty, pretty plastic.

In Alpha Chimp's Absence, Tribe Turns to Beta Chimp

Sheila · 03/11/08 04:14PM

"I am ashamed of myself but in JA's absence, I have become obsessed with her 'friend' [Mary Rambin]," writes in a tipster. "Sixteen blog posts today!! do with this what you will ... and send someone here to kill me. I can't believe I've been sucked into caring about these people. But I care! Oh how I care!!!" Do not fret! Because you are not the first person to start sending in tips about Julia Allison's handbag-designer-or-whatever friend Mary since Julia stopped blogging. It's normal. It only proves researchers right: chimps have long enjoyed looking at photographs of the dominant chimps in their tribe. "I know it seems like I'm [Julia's] lady in waiting," Mary blogs. No, it seems like you are the appointed beta female. Why can't we look away? Because we're all just chattering monkeys, and recognizing hubris is good for group dynamics.

Welcome To Diddy's White House

abalk · 09/05/07 03:50PM

Last night "Extra" took a rare tour of P. Diddy's (or whatever he's calling himself these days) elegant Hamptons manse. It's a humble, almost sparse layout, which stuns the perky reporter. "Everything's white!" she exclaims. Well, you know, almost everything.