
Doree Shafrir · 07/19/07 11:50AM

From the mailbag, regarding the Doug Stumpf book party: "As you may have guessed, press WAS allowed inside. Sadly, just not Gawker. I was there and spotted Page 6 Bill Hoffmann, aged Liz Smith (she's so old she had to be escorted in by two matronly woman who seemed to hold her up the entire time. Of course this didn't stop Stumpfy from groveling at her geriatric feet), and Michael Wolff running out the door in a tan suit. Graydon did his best to resemble the fictitious EIC in Dougy's novel, Ed Brown, who "tends to dress like he's about to go trout fishing. Or at least sit by the fire and fantasize about trout fishing." His button down was barely tucked in to his day-old khaki shorts. Ehk. As for the AC you thought you felt...oh no no. Everyone was embarrassingly sweaty, sopping up schvitz with cocktail napkins. The big man opens a club house with poor circulation—go figure. No matter. All the prim and proper drifted to garden where waiters were serving oysters and the bulimics quickly lit cigarettes. To all the UES ladies' horror, a transvestite-looking lady waltzed in. It appears she was a friend of the real shoeshine boy who was in attendance and very very handsome. They're keeping him hush hush and away from the press because he's—gasp—not exactly legal. He's still a shoeshine boy and other than the tranny, he brought with him some of his banker clients."