
Kirsten Dunst, Celebrity House Painter

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/19/08 12:35PM

Spiderman 3 star Kirsten Dunst was spotted sneaking out of a Soho highrise and into a pickup truck this morning. In between projects, Dunst has been earning a second income as a house painter; she's been getting up bright and early in order to finish a house-painting job out in Ronkonkoma. Dunst's co-workers have nothing but sparkling praise for her. One co-worker said, "I thought she was going to be, you know, high maintenance. You know, 'Ew, my clothes have paint on them. Why does it smell? Why do we have to listen to classic rock all day?' But no, she's been a trouper. Some days, I don't think she's showered from the day before."