
Lindsay Lohan Set off Her Ankle Bracelet

Brian Moylan · 06/02/11 04:20PM

The monitoring anklet that Lindsay Lohan, Hollywood's most larcenous starlet, has been forced to wear while under house arrest went off earlier this week. That would normally indicate that Lindsay's left the building. But when police went to her Venice Beach house, they found LiLo lounging in the sun on her roof deck, reading scripts. Authorities surmised the bracelet must have malfunctioned. Are they sure they located the right Lindsay? The one we know wouldn't be caught dead actually doing work.

Will Any of These New Shows Save NBC?

Richard Lawson & Brian Moylan · 05/17/10 02:47PM

With its ratings in the toilet and prime time roster trashed by the failed Jay Leno experiment, the upcoming television season is make-or-break for NBC. Based on the trailers for the shows it has coming up, is there any hope?