
Jessica Simpson: Patron Celebrity of Bodily Functions

Maureen O'Connor · 05/06/10 03:46PM

There is a certain kind of child who always has sticky red popsicle slush dribbling down his chin. Everyone blames farts and lice outbreaks on him. How did ex-certified hottie Jessica Simpson become Hollywood's version of that kid?

Obama Hotties To Throw Yourself At

Ryan Tate · 12/05/08 12:52AM

The crowd in the top left picture there was gathered tonight in honor of future White House press Secretary Robert Gibbs. "[His] cock may be sore from the hours of blow jobs here but he retains his good humor," Time's Ana Marie Cox wrote from the frenzied mob. That's only half a joke: Gibbs may not be a hottie in the conventional sense (except in a dogfight), but if you're a journalist soon to cover the president-elect — and who isn't, on some level? — you better start the kissing up as soon as possible (preferably three years ago). Luckily for the Obama supplicants, this administration is considerably younger and hotter than the last, and even tops the Clinton administration, with its charming young George Stephanopoulos, the It Boy of his administration.

Italian TV Star Has Gay Crush On Vladimir Putin

Richard Lawson · 10/20/08 01:04PM

Just like some straight boys like a tomboy and others like a girly girl, some gay guys prefer their men femme and others like 'em butch. Openly-gay Italian TV host Alfonso Signorini likes them real butch. Dictator butch, in fact! When asked in an interview to name the sexiest man in Italy, Signorini was a bit stumped. But he did know who the sexiest man in the world is: Russian president-for-life Vladimir Putin! Signorini fell for Putin when he saw shirtless photos of the thuggish martial-arts aficionado taken during a Siberian fishing trip:

One More Thing: Who is Your 1960s Crush?

ian spiegelman · 08/17/08 06:01PM

Okay, clearly I am going to milk this crush theme until I'm asking you all to post daguerrotypes of pre-Victorian stage performers and ballerinas. But we're not there yet! The 1960s is recent enough for all of us to have seen lots and lots of its movies and TV shows and to have developed childhood-or childlike-crushes on its many attractive stars. So, who's your fave? Mine after the jump. If you can pull yourself away from Michael Phelps for two minutes!

One More Thing: Who is Your 80s Crush?

ian spiegelman · 06/14/08 06:09PM

Who made your heart and knees go all to jittery goo the quickest in the movies and TV shows of the wonderful 1980s? My personal fave has never-as far as I know-been filmed in the delightful leg-warmers of the period, so that field is wide open. And, yes, boy-crushes are welcome.

Hot Old People

ian spiegelman · 05/24/08 10:30AM

Always handy with a listicle, Entertainment Weekly is providing us with "GILF-y Pleasures: 33 Hotties Over 50." I'm including the male on the left coz, well, Buffy! The rest of my picks are ladies. And they're after the jump. Oh, and by "my picks" I mean from what the list offers, because they stupidly leave out Karen Allen, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a bunch of other smokin' Olds.

"Pants are no longer relevant."

Pareene · 02/04/08 11:49AM

Rupert Murdoch-owned Page Six would like us to believe that the unwatched Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox Business Channel is such a deadly threat to the anchors at CNBC that they've all switched to "form-fitting V-necks in bright colors." Like Star Trek characters! We don't watch enough CNBC to notice any uniform changes but this seems maybe unlikely? A CNBC rep denies everything! Still, who can argue with "pants are no longer relevant"? It's the 21st Century! Nothing's relevant! [NYP]

Who Is The Viacom Hottie Rabble-Rouser?

Choire · 12/10/07 04:50PM

Not to be all shallow, but we really want to know who this hot young stage-taker is that lead the chanting at the Viacom walk-out today! We would so share our 401K with him. (If we weren't also contract workers and if we had a 401K. Or, really, knew what one was.) More pictures of the walkout here.

Choire · 11/08/07 02:05PM

Hillary Clinton still totally hates New York Times reporter Patrick Healy; he wrote a piece about her relationship that she's never gotten over. (2008 is gonna be a long year for him!) Incidentally, according to Pat's recent bio, he is "single." Race ya! [NYO]

Emily Gould · 09/24/07 03:10PM

The size of 'SNL' boy wonder Andy Samberg's penis is revealed in this video! Also in this video: he converts lez photographer Cass Bird from box to dick in a single makeout sesh. [Paper]

Choire · 08/10/07 03:00PM

We didn't know that the guys over at Ad Age were all kind of hot! Features editor Ken Wheaton and editor Jonah Bloom get down and dirty in this video, trying to rip up an "unrippable" ad page in Maxim. We might have to go on a site visit. [Ad Age]