
Sleazy Hotel Now Courting the Elderly

cityfile · 02/05/09 02:05PM

The dumpy Hotel Pennsylvania opposite Madison Square Garden is offering a very exciting special in honor of its 90th anniversary: rooms are going for just $11 a night! The catch is that you have to be able to prove you've been married to your spouse for at least 50 years. Perhaps your impoverished grandparents visiting from out-of-town would be interested? "Just make sure to load up on the hand sanitizer and perhaps invest in one of those personal sleep sacks from the SkyMall catalog," advises HotelChatter. [NewYorkology]

The Luxe Life

cityfile · 10/09/08 01:55PM

MTV is sponsoring a contest to promote the action film Max Payne starring Mark Wahlberg. So what do you get if you win? "Two-nights accommodation at the luxurious Hotel Pennsylvania." Next thing you know they're going to throw in dinner at the classy Hawaiian Tropic Zone! [NYO]