
Miniature Horse Gets a Second Shot at Life With Prosthetic Leg

Leah Beckmann · 03/24/11 10:15AM

Meet Midnight. Born missing part of one of his hind legs and neglected by his owners, Midnight was transferred to Ranch Hand Rescue where he was given love, care, and eventually, a prosthetic leg. The results are truly amazing.

Pony and Cat Exchange a Tender Moment

Lisa Gagliardi · 03/14/11 11:15AM

Inter-species love is always an amazing sight, so ease in to your day by watching a foal and kitty play and cuddle with each other.

The Strangest Looking Police Chase Ever

Richard Blakeley · 02/01/11 02:55PM

High speed car chases are nothing new, but police chasing horse drawn wagons filled with people? Now that's a sight to behold.

Pony Becomes Cat's Personal Groomer

Preksha Kumar · 01/25/11 06:45PM

Stop whatever you are doing and watch this adorable video of animals being nice to each other. Cat owners take note, this is what you do the next time your kitty throws a tantrum.

Ridiculous Horse Names Make for Unintentionally Hilarious Commentary

Matt Cherette · 08/25/10 01:45PM

A recent New Jersey horse race included competitors named Lady Mutada, Little Miss Macho, My Wife Knows Everything, and My Wife Doesn't Know. With that in mind, it's obvious that the announcer's commentary made for hilariously inadvertent comedy. Video inside.

What You Eat Will Kill You Soon

Hamilton Nolan · 05/10/10 10:38AM

Horse therapy! Lettuce addicts! Healthy men! Bodega diets! Church workouts! Nursery cake! Food mockery! It's your Monday Fitness Watch, where we watch fitness—while snacking voraciously!

Paterson Focuses on the Important Stuff

cityfile · 01/27/10 09:04AM

Because he doesn't have enough to worry about right now what with the massive budget deficit in Albany and the prospect that thousands of state employees may be soon laid off, David Paterson is taking up a new cause: horse-drawn carriage rides in Central Park:

In Mother Russia, Horse Rides You!

Mike Byhoff · 12/03/09 10:39AM

I, for one, welcome our new equine overlords with welcoming arms. And maybe a sign. "Welcome Horse Overlords," it will say. And maybe they will spare me from a life of painful and neverending hard labor.