
Tell Us Your Holiday Horror Stories

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/25/14 12:55PM

By now, most of your presents are opened, the torn, crumpled wrapping paper strewn among the dry pine needles on the floor. The egg nog is dangerously low, and you've probably started to run out of ways to distract yourself from your family. But fear not, dear reader, for someone probably has it worse than you.

Send in Your Stories About the World's Worst Roommate

Brian Moylan · 01/25/12 10:47AM

Anyone who has has had the misfortune of not being able to live alone has one: a story about a really wretched roommate. I'm not just talking about the one who forgets to take out the trash or uses the last square of toilet paper and makes you waddle, dirty-assed, across the bathroom for a new roll. No, I'm talking about the real psychos. Share your best crazy roommate story and win a prize!

Enter Gawker's Worst Christmas Gift Contest

Brian Moylan · 12/23/11 03:00PM

We know how it is on the morning of the 25th, when you tear into your packages, there is always at least one crushing disappointment. "How could someone buy this for me?!" Well, we're going to let you turn those awful presents into cash!

The Outrageous Break-Up Quiz and Other Grim Tales of Dating Finance Pros

Max Read · 12/08/11 11:16AM

After writing about the crazy J.P. Morgan analyst who stalked his ex across the Atlantic pretending to be an Israei spy, and reproducing the insane 1,600-word letter from an investment analyst demanding that a woman he went on a single date with apologize for leading him on, we figured we'd open it up to our readers for more stories from the front lines of romance in the financial industry. And boy, did you all deliver.

Tell Us Your Thanksgiving Horror Stories

Brian Moylan · 11/23/11 01:40PM

Just like the Macy's parade, horribly dry stuffing, and your aunt Joyce drunkenly yelling that she got bilked out of money after grandma died, our Thanksgiving Horror Story contest has become something of an annual tradition. So, please come and leave yours and let's all share the horror together.

The Most Terrible Back to School Tales

Brian Moylan · 09/07/11 02:17PM

Since this is Back to School time, we asked for all of your horror stories from those school days, school days, good old golden rule days. We were shocked by the number of gross, embarrassing, depressing, and hilarious tales that we got. But there can only be one winner.

Give Us Your Back to School Horror Stories

Brian Moylan · 09/06/11 11:29AM

Oh, the day after Labor Day is such torture. Work gets busy again, the weather starts to get crappy, and you can't even wear your favorite white shoes anymore. But at least you aren't back in school like all the kids in America! Let's celebrate by sharing our worst stories of those school daze.

The Horror of Homeowners' Associations

Lauri Apple · 08/13/11 09:45AM

Homeowners' associations were supposedly created by Real Estate God to fundraise for and oversee neighborhood maintenance, and to help developers to efficiently manage and market their properties. But it often seems that their true purpose in life is to drive homeowners insane.

The Whole Foods Experience, Part Two: The Writer Speaks

Seth Abramovitch · 07/28/11 12:24AM

As Marge Simpson once put it, "We can't afford to shop in any store that has a philosophy." And the same might easily be said of anyone considering working at one, too. Welcome back to the Whole Foods Experience, where Whole Foods workers past and present—newly liberated by one Canadian employee's explosive kiss-off memo gone viral—reveal to Gawker what truly goes on behind the doors of the world's most "humanity-friendly" supermarket chain.