
Father Bites Off 6-Year-Old Son's Penis

Maureen O'Connor · 03/08/12 12:46PM

A 6-year-old boy was walking down the street with his father and sister in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, when the father allegedly asked the boy to bite his penis. The boy refused. All three people were naked, the Shanghai Daily reports, and upon the boy's refusal to bite his father's penis, the father bit off his son's:

Teen Girl Mistakenly Deported, Now Trapped in Foreign Prison and Pregnant

Maureen O'Connor · 01/04/12 05:43PM

"Distraught over the loss of her grandfather and her parents' divorce," 14-year-old Jakadrien Turner ran away from home, WFAA Dallas reports. Arrested for shoplifting in Houston, she used a fake name that actually belonged to a 22-year-old undocumented immigrant wanted for arrest. What follows is a nightmarish series of mistaken identities and institutional failures, culminating in a teen girl trapped alone and pregnant in a third-world prison.

Graverobber Kept 29 Mummified Women 'As Life-Sized Dolls'

Maureen O'Connor · 11/07/11 01:52PM

Historian and "well-respected specialist in cemeteries" Anatoly Moskvin stands accused of robbing at dozens of graves in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod. His goal, according to Russian authorities: "Decorat[ing] his home with 29 mummified female bodies… dressed as life-sized dolls."

The Creepy Secret Sex Den and Gynecological Center of Tripoli

Maureen O'Connor · 09/07/11 12:09PM

The legacy of Qaddafi's Libya keeps getting weirder. The new president of Tripoli's prestigious Fateh University recently discovered a mysterious subterranean complex under Green Theater, a center for studying Qaddafi's political manifesto the Green Book. The complex contains a bedroom, jacuzzis, mood lighting… and a fully equipped gynecological operating theater with klieg lights and an observation deck. So that's, uh, creepy. Take it away, horrified new university president:

YouTube Video of a Tortured, Murdered 13-Year-Old Is Syria's Modern Emmett Till Moment

Remy Stern · 06/01/11 07:54PM

A graphic video of the corpse of a 13-year-old boy who appears to have been sexually and physically tortured by Syrian security officials has sparked international condemnation and riots across the country. The video shows Hamza Ali al-Khatib, a resident of the southern village of Jiza, and appears to have been filmed by his family after they retrieved his corpse.

Woman Can't Close Her Eyes After Botched Plastic Surgery

Brian Moylan · 03/30/11 12:24PM

Marilyn Leisz can't close her eyes even when she sleeps, and she was in a New Jersey court yesterday suing her plastic surgeon Paul Parker, because she claims this is the result of a cosmetic eye surgery gone bad.

An NYPD Helicopter's View of 9/11

Max Read · 03/06/11 11:04PM

This is the World Trade Center attacks, as seen from an NYPD helicopter. I'm not sure I can do it justice, except to say that it's among the most transfixing 17 minutes of video I've ever seen. The clip was originally obtained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology under the Freedom of Information Act for their investigation into the attacks, and anonymously sent, released, along with several still photographs taken from another helicopter, to the secret-sharing website Cryptome by the National Institute of Standards and Technology to fulfill a Freedom of Information Act request. You can download the photos here.