
Katherine Heigl: "Honestly," I'm Not Rude

Allie Jones · 11/03/14 08:10AM

Television actress Katherine Heigl did a Facebook chat with "fans" this weekend, and one brave soul asked, "I've heard rumors that your very rude. What's your thoughts?" The answer, according to Miss Heigl, is "I'm not rude."

Meet The 'Real' 'Father' of Bristol Palin's Holy Baby

Pareene · 09/08/08 04:08PM

Today in Sarah Palin news! This nice young man has gone to the YouTube to announce something very important: he is actually the father of Alaska governor Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol Palin's little fetus. Well. Keven, the nice young man in question, is from Los Angeles, but he says he lived in Wasilla for a while, with his dad, and he and Bristol were "really good friends" who made a baby together. That baby's life began at conception and Kevin went back home to make YouTubes. Oh, you might notice something about Kevin, as you watch this. There is something about him that makes him seem a little different from, say, reported father Levi Johnston. See if you can spot what it is! (Confidential to K.: we think it is pronounced "PAY-lin.") [Radar]

Look Out, America—Here Come Young People!

Pareene · 05/27/08 01:21PM

Millennials! Who are they and what do they want from us? They Facebook their MySpaces all day and Twitter their iPhones all night, and they have terrible manners! Have they come to take us to a Home? Morley Safer investigated on last Sunday's 60 Minutes. [In a repeat, apparently!] The video of the segment is below the jump. It will terrify you! These kids have tattoos and still expect to hold jobs and there are 80 million of them.