
Rich Juzwiak · 03/10/14 02:03PM

"The mere fact that Museveni has signed the bill, they think it is OK for them to do anything to you because the law says so; that is the greatest fear I live under now," says outed LGBT activist Richard Lusimbo in this fascinating interview on being gay in Uganda in the wake of the "Jail the Gays" law.

Summer Ends in the Middle of Everything

Rich Juzwiak · 09/20/13 12:30PM

A few weeks ago, I found myself in the same room as the only person that I've ever physically fought. It was a fight that I’d gone into begrudgingly and for the sake of appearances—because I wasn’t going to let another guy hit me in front of a group of people without hitting him back. It was prove-yourself theater, and though two of us were in the cast, it was my one-man show.