Sorority Hazing Scandal Continued: Tales of Grave-digging and Branding
Sheila · 04/30/08 10:41AM
In response to Long Island's <a href="http://gawker.com/385397/head+bashing-sorority-on-alleged-hazing-victim-she-punched-us-first
">Hofstra University sorority scandal, in which 19-year-old Courtney Holt said she was brutally hazed (the Phi Epsilon sorority responded that she was a mean drunk), a Hofstra alumn has written in. Surprise: the sorority is def evil, she says, and those girls are just as horrible as you might have imagined. "Although this Holt girl def seems like a psycho, a lot of the other information that she states is true... For one being Branded... yes they're branded with a three pronged fork to represent their three values (which is why they have a effing cow as a sorority symbol, and they always say 'love x3')."