
Robert Byrd Is the Longest-Serving Senator Ever

Pareene · 11/18/09 11:03AM

Robert Byrd, our US Senator from the great state of West Virginia, has been a Senator since January 3, 1959, making him the longest-serving member in congressional history. He is 91 years old (his 92nd birthday is on Friday!) and third in line for the presidency should something happen to Obama, Biden, and Pelosi.

Gawker Endorsement: Don't Vote for Bloomberg

Pareene · 11/02/09 12:57PM

Tomorrow is Election Day! You will probably not vote, because there are no contested races for anything important in 90% of the nation. But if you are a New Yorker, we have one message: don't vote for Michael Bloomberg.

Are Birthers Really The New Truthers?

Pareene · 09/11/09 01:14PM

9/11 Truthers—the actual, self-declared movement Truthers—are, universally and without exception, morons. Van Jones signed a Truther petition, which was incredibly stupid, but he says he is not actually a Truther. Wha...?

Happy First Post-9/11 9/11!

Pareene · 09/11/09 10:23AM

On this day eight years ago, four commercial airplanes were hijacked and crashed into buildings and a field. Thousands died. This is the first anniversary of that terrible day, though, that the Terrorists will not still be winning.