
Cheney's Secret Plan to Make You Like Bush

Pareene · 02/17/09 11:35AM

So, Dick Cheney. Is he really a being so evil that even George W. Bush was alarmed at his cold amorality or is he just trying to make Bush look good?

AP: British Can't Handle a Little Snow

Pareene · 02/02/09 05:33PM

Hitler bombed London for two months straight and the Brits stiff-upper-lipped themselves back to work, but a foot of snow has destroyed the morale of those once-proud people.

Media Not Waiting For History's Bush Verdict

Ryan Tate · 01/20/09 07:54PM

In the week leading up to President Barack Obama's inauguration, it was open season on the outgoing president on political TV. Even conservatives like Ken Blackwell and Scott McClellan joined in the jeering.

Faux-bama Hot, Young, Less Dorky

Ryan Tate · 01/12/09 08:08PM

Staff Sgt. Derrick Brooks, 26, looks enough like the handsome president-elect that he's already kind of a big deal. Barack Obama doesn't see the resemblance. Jealous much?

Happy First Day of the Obama Administration

Pareene · 01/05/09 03:23PM

This is it! January 5, 2009: the beginning of the Obama presidency. He is on TV fixing the economy, making tough decisions, being presidential, and the inauguration is just a formality now.

Air Force One-Elect Deemed 'Nice Digs,' Wicked Awesome

Ryan Tate · 01/05/09 12:34AM

"David Axelrod, a senior adviser, and Robert Gibbs, the press secretary, were plainly excited at being aboard one of the presidential planes for the first time... [Obama] ordered a cheeseburger, fries and water." [Times]