
Robert McNamara: 1916-2009

Pareene · 07/06/09 09:13AM

Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, the "architect" of the Vietnam War, died this morning. He was 93.

Why Didn't We Listen to Michael Moore?

Pareene · 06/01/09 12:51PM

"Twenty years ago when I made Roger & Me, I tried to warn people about what was ahead for General Motors. Had the power structure and the punditocracy listened, maybe much of this could have been avoided." Hah, really?

Who Killed GM?

Pareene · 06/01/09 10:29AM

General Motors is bankrupt. Whoops. It was probably going to happen no matter what, but lots of people hoped that bankruptcy would remain a threat that would encourage everyone to band together to save the company. Who is to blame for the death of the American auto industry?

Swine Flu Panic: Bullshit

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/09 10:12AM

Quickly, don your paper masks! Stay indoors! The dirty Mexican pig influenza is here, to sicken you! Wocka wocka. Did you know that America had another swine flu panic, in 1976? Let's reminisce, and laugh: