
How Rudy 'Turned Around' A Successful U.S. Attorney's Office

Pareene · 12/17/07 10:55AM

Did you know that the nationally respected and historically top-tier U.S. Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York was moribund and doomed before a crusading young prosecutor named Rudy Giuliani took it over in 1983? It's true! Rudy said so the other day while defending his criminal BFF Bernie Kerik! And it was news, apparently, to Rudy's predecessor as U.S. Attorney, John Martin. Martin has some crazy idea that Giuliani is taking too much credit for the work of others, though we know the man who single-handedly saved the world on 9/11 and reduced the national crime rate and was so effective as mayor of New York that its much ballyhooed renaissance began before he even took office would never do that. Martin, probably one of those soft-on-crime communist former U.S. Attorneys, went to the liberal New York Times to voice his petty complaints.