A Mysterious, Inscrutable Voice of God: Why @Horse_ebooks Is Divine
Ken Layne · 09/24/13 03:52PMWe are a religious nation, even though that religious belief is rapidly fading and notoriously shallow. What we hunger for is real communion with the sacred, the unexpected voice of a mysterious god that occasionally speaks directly to our consciousness, as the old gods spoke to Moses and Mohammad or Achilles and Odysseus. This is why 200,000 people followed Horse_ebooks on Twitter. Horse_ebooks was our inscrutable god speaking in riddles.
Hindu Man Mistaken for Muslim Refused Service by JetBlue
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/23/13 11:40AMNew York-based data scientist Aditya Mukerjee admits that his physical appearance regularly ensures that he'll get hassled by airport security, but none of his past experiences with being "randomly selected" could have prepared him for the nightmare that ensued following a standard TSA pat-down earlier this month.