New Yorker Critic On The Lion King: 'I Don't Do Black Folklore'
Richard Lawson · 06/17/08 09:06AM
Oooh, snap. The Tony Awards, given out to the "best" Broadway ballyhoo of the year, are often accepted by Theatahhh people as a silly but necessary (for business) annoyance. People shrug them off, maybe even have a little fun with them. But not The New Yorker, mercy no. In a little Q&A on the magazine's website about Sunday night's awards show, chief NYer theatre critics Hilton Als and John Lahr are gratuitously bitchy and snobbish as they pick apart the Tonys and the past Broadway season. "I have not seen 'The Lion King.' I don't do black folklore. And I'm black," says Als for no particular reason. The two, with Als being the wickedest, then bitch on for eight more questions. Some more highlights are after the jump.