
Megan Fox Will Steal Your Girlfriend

Andrew Belonsky · 08/28/09 05:15AM

Megan Fox says she's more comfortable kissing ladies on screen, Rihanna brings Taylor Swift flowers and Hilary Duff's not playing nice. It's your Friday morning Gossip Roundup!

Maggie · 12/07/07 03:58PM

We're hearing there might have been an explosion across the street from 1345 Sixth Avenue. Which is what, the Warwick Hotel or maybe the Hilton? Midtown we mostly avoid as much as possible.

Short Ends: Tour Tara Reid's Chocolate Factory

mark · 08/08/05 07:01PM

· In telling USA Today about her new E! show, Wild On Tara, Tara Reid makes an unfortunate comparison: "You're going to see the people and the country and events and things we do. I feel like Willy Wonka, and I'm taking you into the chocolate factory. It's a classy show." Please, if you're going to tour Reid's chocolate factory, wear the proper protective gear. We'll let her have the last word: "When people see this show, they'll say: 'We've been picking on this girl for 10 years for no reason. She makes everyone around her have a good time.'"
· Cinemocracy scours IMDb for trivia about political movies and discovers that Hollywood once considered Kevin Costner and Harrison Ford virtually interchangeable. (Try telling that to their agents now.) Also, there are 95 "fucks" in Bulworth.
· We're not going to take this Paris Hilton impersonator seriously until she releases a copycat sex tape. This isn't a cocktail party, darling.
· Only our therapist can explain why we find StuffOnMyCat.com so f'ing, pants-wettingly funny.

Nice things about people

Gawker · 04/01/03 04:27PM

As mentioned earlier, we've decided to change our corporate motto from "if you can't say anything nice about people, start your own weblog" to "everyone is happy, pretty, and smart in their own special way." I know the similarity is confusing, as the differences are quite subtle. On that note"Random Nice Things About People" by Gawker Editor, Liz Smith:
· David Gest and Liza Minelli: you say "dysfunctional, fucked-up relationship"; I say "highly-rated made-for-TV movie."
· Miramax chief, Harvey Weinstein: big cuddly ass-kicking teddy bear.
· Vogue Editor, Anna Wintour: Oh, to have her smooth freshly-botoxed skin!
· Catherine Zeta-Jones: How does she stuff her face with cake like that, and still manage to stay so thin? Amazing!
· Designer Zac "Perfect" Posen: the trust fund only enhances his obvious talent.
· Nicky and Paris Hilton: (Cat)walking and talking at the same time! How many other beautiful hotel-fortune heiresses can do that? Not many!