
Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/14 09:24AM

Grad student employees at NYU's engineering school (annual cost: $49,315) get paid as little as $10 an hour, and they are not happy about it. Of course, it could be worse.

Easy Rules for Free Speech on Campus

Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/14 12:43PM

Another week, another ultimately meaningless free speech controversy on an American college campus. Should Ayaan Hirsi Ali be allowed to speak at Yale? If only there were some simple way of settling these nonstop arguments.

Consultants: Consultants Are a Ripoff

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/14 10:56AM

When big organizations like colleges and universities are looking to cut cost, they often turn to high-priced consultants to tell them how to do it. But do those consultants really save as much money as they claim? No, say consultants who consulted on the consultants.

College Finance Officers Are Full of Bad Ideas

Hamilton Nolan · 07/18/14 12:41PM

American colleges and universities face a climate of soaring costs, soaring student debt, and general wariness over the long term financial viability of our higher education model. The chief financial officers of colleges say, collectively: oh, shit.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/19/14 10:44AM

"After careful consideration," Duke University has decided to rename a dorm named for a noted segregationist and white supremacist. Haha [Duke joke]. Seriously though, is white history being criminalized in today's post-racial America?

Vagina Is Unwelcome Among College Faculty

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/14 10:30AM

Consternation was the order of the day at New Jersey's Mercer Community College last month, when faculty and staff were confronted with something quite unexpected in an assembly: vagina.

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/14 12:48PM

For unclear reasons, this discussion on the topic of "Should I Go to Grad School?" contains more than one word.

College Towns Are Pits of Income Inequality

Hamilton Nolan · 04/23/14 03:50PM

Interesting little tidbit for all good liberals to chew over: a list of the U.S. cities with the very worst income inequality includes an inordinate number of university towns.

Is Puffy a Good Commencement Speaker?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/14 08:43AM

Recent commencement speakers at Howard University include Barack Obama, John Lewis, and Jesse Jackson. This year's selection: Puffy.

The College Contraction Has Begun

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/14 04:14PM

Last year, US college enrollment registered a notable decline for the first time in decades. The college boom had peaked. Now, the contraction begins.

South Carolina Idiots Terrified of Lesbians Recruiting Their Kids

Hamilton Nolan · 04/08/14 08:54AM

Though there are many fine people in the state of South Carolina, it is fairly uncontroversial to observe that the political class of South Carolina is the dumbest bunch of fucking hicks legally allowed to vote in the United States of America.