
Scott McClellan: Former Hottie

Pareene · 06/02/08 10:11AM

Book-writin' Bush traitor Scott McClellan is not well-liked by anyone these days, but it was a different story back in Austin High School in the mid-1980s. As a classmate tells Joshua Stein: "He was a senior when I was a sophmore and there was a golden light bathed around him at all times. He was sweet and smart and all the things that senior boys should be (when you're a brace face sophomore)... He was also on the tennis team (HOT!)...." Hey, he's on the Daily Show tonight for what we're positive will be one of those terribly awkward Jon Stewart interviews, and not one of the funny or fawning ones. [My Memoirs]


Richard Lawson · 04/21/08 04:40PM

In honor of Gossip Girl's historic return to television, EW.com has compiled a list of the best (Rydell, West Beverly, Degrassi) and worst (Sunnydale, Liberty, McKinley) high schools from TV and movies. Conspicuously absent from their list: Clone High, Bayside High, (don't know if it counts, but) Riverdale High, and, duh, East High from High School Musical. What other schools did they miss?

High School Newspapers: Now Dramatic

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/08 09:21AM

MTV, having covered every other aspect of the high school experience including the marching band, has finally made a reality series about a high school newspaper [NYO]. That hotbed of intrigue and sexual tension! As once-professional journalists as well as high school graduates, we have some bad news: the high school paper is simply not that exciting. Neither is the grown-up paper, for that matter. Newspapers are a prime example of things that produce a somewhat glamorous final product, but whose inner workings are drearily workmanlike. It's like visiting the Nike factory and being disappointed that it's populated by silent, sweating Vietnamese peasants, rather than by Lebron James. MTV's trailer for "The Paper" features kissing teens, violent arguments, pool parties, and a battle for editorship of the Cypress Bay High School student paper that "could change their lives(!)." Asdfjklasdfjkl. Sorry kids, nobody has time to read your resume anways! After the jump, the full trailer. The over-under on the number of these students who actually go into journalism: one. Probably the young Laurel Touby doppelganger

The End Of Schadenfreude: A Cheerleader Dies From Breast Implants

Rebecca · 03/25/08 10:55AM

Let's keep it real: No one is ever over high school. Even if you had friends and seemed cool, you were secretly miserable and insecure. (Projecting!) Cheerleaders at my high school didn't actually care enough about me to be mean, but still, what bitches. Anyway, the captain of the West Boca High varsity cheerleader squad died of complications from breast implants on Saturday. There's so much about this story to hate on, but still, dying at 18. That's just terrible. [Palm Beach Post]

The Horrors of High School, Revisited

Richard Lawson · 03/11/08 11:29AM

A new documentary series called High School Confidential premiered on the WE channel last night. Creator Sharon Liese followed twelve girls, living in suburban Kansas, for all four years of high school, getting an Up series-in-miniature look at the agonies of being young and adrift. Liese is by no means the first to document young America (RJ Cutler had a very similar project on PBS in 2001), but her work still seems fresh and important. Because, I guess, no two people are the same.