
Dozens of Women Suing Bloomberg

Pareene · 05/02/08 10:40AM

Michael Bloomberg is the greatest manager ever which is why pundits always want him to run for president. He's sooo great that he left an abusive tyrant in charge of his financial news company, and also that company gets sued every so often for being a hostile work environment for women. Last September, four women were suing Bloomberg LP for wrongful discrimination. Now, it's 58! It seems that whenever a lady employee became pregnant at Bloomberg, they were denied promotions and then received pay cuts. Mayor Mike always claims to have nothing to do at all with his company anymore, but the women filing the suit say he still calls the shots and "contributes to a culture of sexual discrimination." As there have been almost 500 women who've taken maternity leave from Bloomberg since 2002, the number of plaintiffs is expected to grow. And Mike himself is now writing a book about how to be as great a manager as he is. Like his last book, it will probably be ghost-written by his asshole-in-chief Winkler. [NYP]

In Preparation For Higher Office Run, Bloomberg Calls Us All Drunks

Pareene · 02/15/08 09:39AM

We've laughed it off for months now but maybe Mayor Bloomberg is idiotic enough to run for president. How else to explain the formerly bland technorat's suddenly strained attempt to transform himself into similarly rich and short crank Ross Perot? Asked about Bush's economic stimulus plan (he is going to send us all checks!!!), Bloomberg said it was "like giving a drink to an alcoholic." He meant because Congress is addicted to spending, but the analogy seems to actually say that Americans are addicted to having money. Or maybe he is actually just saying that Americans will actually spend their entire stimulus checks on booze? Some of them will, sure. But some of them will spend it on drugs! Besides, Americans aren't addicted to cash. We're addicted to running up debt! [NYSun]

Bloomberg, Still Not Running For President, Amasses Support

Pareene · 02/04/08 04:49PM

Rich people across the nation (or more specifically rich people residing exclusively in New York and California) are thrilled at the prospect that tiny and uninspiring mayor Michael Bloomberg may buy his way into the presidential race. Even though he lacks the charm of Ross Perot, the last zillionaire to attempt it, Bloomberg has so much money that people who only have almost as much money as him think he is probably the perfect man to run this country. So, according to the Sun, "technology entrepreneur" Jon Fisher "has held meetings with more than 100 executives and entrepreneurs during the past few months to gauge support for a Bloomberg bid and prepare a team to assist the possible campaign." Because America just loves technocrats! Bloomberg keeps denying that he's running for anything but his insane aide Kevin Sheeky keeps convincing every reporter in New York that his boss is a sure thing. [The Sun]

Bloomberg In Secret Pope Bid Shocker

Pareene · 11/06/07 12:23PM

Billionaire Mayor Mike Bloomberg, reportedly outraged at new Pope Ratzi's refusal to guarantee the eternal salvation of Jews, atheists, homosexuals and vegans, is secretly plotting with a top aide to assume control of the Vatican sometime in 2010, Gawker has learned. Top Bloomberg aide Kevin Sheeky met in secret with a number of disgruntled Holy See officials earlier this month, and is reportedly in talks with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York about just how pricey an extended "antipope" campaign would be.