New Mel Gibson Rant Instructs Oksana to Have Sex in Front of Her Child
Maureen O'Connor · 07/26/10 10:27AMTracing The Long And Sordid History Of 'Brangelina To Wed' Stories
Molly Friedman · 02/13/08 06:26PM
How many times will it take for the tabloids to breathlessly declare wedding plans for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt before they realize there's simply no there there? Officially marking the umpteenth time a "source" has claimed the power couple are leaving the Goldie/Kurt School of Long-Term Relationship Success, the National Enquirer is now stating that "Brad proposed again after they discovered they were having twins" and that Angelina "has decided to follow her heart." But before we start envisioning Angelina's maternity wedding dress or how the pair might exchange rings under an African canopy made of recycled diapers and clean needles, let's take a walk down memory lane to see how the tabloids have reported on Brangelina wedding claims over the years: