
Bad Weather Destroys New York City

abalk · 08/08/07 08:20AM

As of 6:30 this morning, the 4/5/6 line was running at "slower speeds" because of "water on the tracks." Congratulations, New York, we're finally a third world country! If we were terrorists we'd just sit back and let the weather take care of things. Anyway, we weren't the only one with problems. Big trouble up at the Time Warner Center, the Mordor that marks the northern border of Midtown.

The Great Manhattan Steam Pipe Explosion '07

abalk · 07/19/07 08:20AM

Here's the tally from yesterday's big bang: One dead, thirty injured (two severely). We're not sure what it says about where we're at when a statement from the mayor like this one is viewed as comforting ("There is no reason to believe this is anything other than a failure of our infrastructure") but there you have it. Oh, also, it may have rained asbestos all over midtown. Happy Thursday!

abalk · 06/12/07 10:35AM

Crystal meth is the Hurricane Katrina of illegal drugs. [Copyranter]