
Helicopter Cops Accidentally Turn on Speaker During Casual Blowjob Convo

Jay Hathaway · 06/23/15 02:00PM

For the crew of Air-1, the Winnipeg Police department’s helicopter, Monday night was spent like any other: flying around scenic Winnipeg, having a fun “convo about blowjobs,” maybe throwing in “some swears and some references to money,” and discussing what exactly is “too much body hair.” The only thing out of place was the audience; someone had accidentally turned on the helicopter’s public address system and the crew of Air-1 was live to the entire West End. And, according to Winnipeg residents on Twitter, some of the North End, too:

Two Canadian Inmates Escape via Hijacked Helicopter in Daring Mid-Day Prison Break

Taylor Berman · 03/17/13 10:25PM

Taking their cues from direct-to-DVD action movies, two inmates broke out of a Quebec prison today by climbing a rope to a hijacked helicopter hovering above the jail's yard. Quebec provincial police later arrested three people 30 miles from St. Jerome prison, including one of the inmates, 36-year-old Benjamin Hudon-Barbeau. The other escaped inmate, 33-year-old Danny Provencal, is currently "surrounded," according to police.

Pilot Cheats Death After His Helicopter Snaps in Half

Lauri Apple · 11/23/11 09:24AM

A special message for you Christmas celebrators: This year, when using your helicopter to set up and decorate your tree, try not to fly close to any structures. Otherwise, your propellers might get caught and cause you to have a crash in which you die. That would ruin Christmas!

Watch Santa Trade in his Sleigh for a Helicopter

Matt Toder · 12/23/10 09:25AM

Apparently, a sleigh driven by reindeer doesn't quite cut it in 2010, so this Santa's made an upgrade. To a freaking helicopter. Watch him rappel down from it, with help from an elf, and distribute presents to some amazed children.

Copters No Cause For Concern

cityfile · 10/14/09 11:10AM

Those low-flying helicopters that have been hovering over Manhattan today? They could be connected to a movie shoot last week that involved helicopters. But they could also be up to something else. Either way, though, the NYPD would like you to know they they're totally cool with it and it's all above board, so don't freak out and call 911, 311 or whatever hotline you're technically supposed to call in cases of mysterious, low-flying helicopters. [NYT]