
abalk · 09/17/07 08:20AM

Anyone who thinks that the age of subtlety has ended is clearly unfamiliar with the work of Matt Drudge. [Drudge Report]

abalk · 09/05/07 12:45PM

"A picture caption in some copies yesterday about residents in Canyon, Calif., who bought their own pay phone misspelled the given name and the surname of the woman shown using the telephone. She is Philippa W. Heathcock, not Philiooa W. Heartcock." [NYT]

Larry Craig Not Sure If He's In Or Out

abalk · 09/05/07 09:30AM

A tipster sent the following capsule summary from the New York Times about Idaho Senator and men's room habitué Larry Craig's potential reconsideration of his plan to resign as evidence of some kind of homophobia at the paper (they used the word "seat," see?). We don't see it ourselves, but this quote from an anonymous Republican operative seems a little more pointed.

What Films In Chelsea, Stays In Chelsea

Choire · 08/15/07 10:10AM

That Cameron Diaz flick filming over in Chelsea? Actually called "What Happens In Vegas." But this iteration of the title from the parking placards around town is nice too. If possibly invasive. Or gynecological.

Joshua Stein · 08/02/07 03:15PM

More tales of drunken dining: "I once got a blowjob in the McDonald's on the LES." Charmed! Not quite a Burger King bathroom, but not bad nonetheless. [Sexbot]

abalk · 07/18/07 08:39AM

See, this is why you never enter unfamiliar territory without adequate protection. We should have thought about the effects an ill-timed withdrawal of our military would have on Iraq before we decided to stick it in. [LAT]

Sam Champion Tosses Salad

abalk · 07/13/07 11:30AM

Juvenile? Lowbrow? Totally. Whatever, you heard the man, we're hungover today. So watch this clip from "Good Morning America" where some chef has Sam Champion toss his salad. The humor part comes in the fact that Sam is literally mixing vegetables, not sticking his tongue in some guy. It's sort of a double entendre? Okay, more Advil now!

After The Gay Bomb

abalk · 06/12/07 11:00AM

On Friday, the Pentagon confirmed long-standing reports that, a decade ago, military leaders had considered building a gay bomb. An Air Force proposal suggested the concept of an offensive weapon that might render its victims homosexual. "One distasteful but completely non-lethal example," said the proposal, :would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior." While the idea was scrapped, it seems unlikely that other governments are so scrupulous. In this morning's Times, former Defense Secretary William J. Perry and others suggested that the time to prepare for an attack of gay is now.

'Times' Still Having "Pearl Necklace" Issues

abalk2 · 03/02/07 10:20AM

An art review yesterday about a Tintoretto exhibition at the Prado in Madrid misstated the number of paintings in it. There are more than four dozen, not "around three dozen." The review also referred incorrectly to a necklace of pearls scattered in a painting depicting Lucretia struggling against Tarquin. It symbolizes Lucretia's lost chastity, not virginity.