
Jon Stewart: Obamacare Brought a Provision to a Principle Fight

Matt Toder · 03/29/12 10:24PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took a look at the Supreme Court battle over Obamacare, specifically the way the two sides don't seem to having the same argument. Instead, the Obamacare supporters are talking about the specifics of how health care works in this country while the opposition is talking in platitudes about freedom. Is there any wonder which side lost?

Politifact Is Bad for You

Jim Newell · 12/20/11 04:25PM

The lefty blogosphere is all hot and bothered at famous fact-checking website Politifact for naming Democrats' claim that the Paul Ryan "Path to Prosperity" would "end Medicare" its 2011 Lie of the Year. And yes, there's a solid argument to be made that Politifact is completely wrong. The bigger problem here, though, is why does anyone care what this gimmicky website has to say, ever?

Newt Sure Loved the Health-Care Mandate in 2005

TPM · 11/29/11 09:00PM

Newt Gingrich has attacked Mitt Romney on the issue of the individual health insurance mandate, while chalking up his own past support for the idea as an indiscretion in the 1990's. But as it turns out, those 1990's stretch all the way to 2005 - and beyond, to 2008 - when Gingrich gave as passionate an explanation of the mandate idea as any current supporter could ever muster.

Hospital to Injured Woman Already at the Hospital: 'Call an Ambulance'

Lauri Apple · 10/19/11 09:35AM

Why would you need an ambulance to take you to the hospital, if you're already at the hospital? This is the question recently posed by Doreen Wallace, who injured herself during a visit to a hospital in Niagara Falls, Canada and was denied treatment until an ambulance was called. To the hospital. Where she already was, if that wasn't clear enough. Egads.

Man With 100-Pound Scrotum Can't Afford $1 Million Surgery

Lauri Apple · 10/18/11 03:55AM

Whether you're seeking a new source of inspiration or just in need of some perspective, Wesley Warren Jr. has got what probably got what you need. But do you have what Wesley Warren Jr. needs? Uh, that would be $1 million to purchase the corrective procedure he needs to make his scrotum normal-sized again.

Rick Perry Tarred With Oddly Devastating 'Perrycare' Label

Jim Newell · 09/16/11 02:11PM

Michele Bachmann pushed her criticism of Rick Perry's executive order mandating HPV vaccinations of young girls to the furthest frontiers of predictability today, by labeling it "Perrycare." There is just nothing worse in a Republican primary than having the word "care" applied to your last name. That's not a joke! It should be, though. Shouldn't it? Maybe one of these days.

Rick Perry Is Scared of His Tea Party Audience

Jim Newell · 09/13/11 01:40PM

In last week's Republican presidential debate, the crowd gave Rick Perry a round of applause when the moderator mentioned that he'd executed 234 people during his time as Texas governor. So was he heartened last night, too, when some folks cheered in response to Wolf Blitzer's question, "Are you saying that society should just let [uninsured person] die?" Nope! That shit scared him.

Tea Party Debate Crowd on Uninsured Sick Americans: Let Them Die!

Matt Cherette · 09/12/11 08:41PM

Wolf Blitzer is "watching very closely" in Tampa, Florida tonight as he moderates a CNN/Tea Party debate between the remaining Republican presidential candidates. On the topic of healthcare, Blitzer asked Congressman Ron Paul what he'd do if an otherwise healthy 30-year-old man without health insurance needed six months of intensive care to survive: "Are you saying that society should just let him die?"

Stanford Hospital Suffers Comically Stupid Patient Data Leak

Adrian Chen · 09/08/11 03:53PM

How the hell did 20,000 sensitive patient records from Stanford University's hospital end up posted to a college tutoring website for almost a year? It looks like some lazy billing company employee uploaded it themselves.

Vampire Bat Rabies Is Here

Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/11 04:17PM

Vampire bats! Healthcare law! Medical tattoo! Stroke depression! Backward legs! Spice fat! Organic poultry Deer coli! And rampant death in Somalia is sad, for a second! It's your Friday Health Watch, where we watch your health—while sucking!

Insurers Will Soon Be Required to Cover Birth Control

Jim Newell · 08/01/11 02:39PM

The Obama administration announced on Monday that health insurance plans must cover birth control with no copays, among other reproductive health care services, as preventative care for women. The requirement will apply to health care plans beginning on or after August 1, 2012. The announcement comes just a month after Health and Human Services released a recommendation that sought to expand preventative services for women under Obama's health care law.

Jon Stewart on 9/11 Health Care Bill: 'How Did We Not Include Cancer?'

Matt Cherette · 07/28/11 10:45PM

On Tuesday, federal officials concluded that there wasn't enough evidence to link cases of cancer in 9/11 first responders to the duties they performed at Ground Zero. Consequently, the bill providing health care to the responders will not include coverage for cancer treatments. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart, who has long advocated for the bill's passage, made no secret of his anger over the news. Video of Stewart's segment is above.

Shocking Study: Birth Control Cheaper Than Babies

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/11 10:34AM

Birth control isn't free, my friends. I mean condoms cost a few bucks and then some of the fancier technologies that girls get cost—Christ, I don't know, but it has to run into the hundreds. So you can't expect the health insurance industry to bankrupt itself just to subsidize every lout's ability to fuck conveniently! Or can you?