
Nancy Pelosi Was a Fox, John Boehner Looked Like Lurch, and Other Revelations from Politicos' Yearbook Photos

Max Read · 07/02/12 09:33AM

Buzzfeed's Andrew Kaczynski has done us all the great and noble service of collecting the yearbook photos of 69 different politicians and political figures. Did you know that Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren were high-school foxes? That John Boehner looked like Jonah Hill playing Lurch? That Mike Huckabee, in flannel jacket and big headphones, looked like an L-train rider? That Harry Reid was way ahead of the contrast-shirt craze? That David Axelrod was, based on his photo, an honorary member of the Choom Gang? [Buzzfeed]

Harry Reid to Reporter: 'That's a Clown Question, Bro'

Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/19/12 03:30PM

Looking to brush off a reporter's question with some style, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today issued a timely retort to an inquiry from Roll Call's Steve Dennis about plans to force Republicans to go on record about immigration by bringing the DREAM Act to the floor.

David Vitter Is the Senate's Saddest Little Boy

Jim Newell · 09/08/11 01:41PM

Louisiana Sen. David Vitter is one of the members of Congress who's been bragging in the last few days about not attending President Obama's speech tonight — in his case, to hold a football-watching party at his house. But it probably wasn't a good idea to broadcast his lame flouting of congressional tradition! Because Sen. Harry Reid heard him, and now it appears that little David will have to stay in Washington after all.

Do Democrats Have a Plan for the Next Hostage Crisis?

Jim Newell · 08/04/11 02:24PM

Congressional Republicans have become quite talented at taking legislative "hostages" at crucial junctures, making extreme demands, unifying behind them, and ultimately rolling Democrats into embracing horrible pieces of legislation. Maybe it's time for Democrats to come up with a plan for this sort of thing. So are they? Sorta.

Harry Reid Dislocates His Shoulder

Jim Newell · 05/04/11 11:17AM

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was leaning his hand on a wet, parked car during his morning run today when... oh you can see what's coming. His hand slipped and "the leader tumbled to the ground," as The Hill poetically puts it. It left him with a contusion above the left eye and a dislocated shoulder, but guess what? He's been back and working most of the morning after receiving treatment. And you meanies are always saying he has no spine! Well, maybe that's why he didn't break his spine too. [Image via Getty]

The Government Shutdown Is All About Abortion

Jim Newell · 04/08/11 12:03PM

Twelve hours until the government shuts down, people! Actually eleven hours and some minutes! Progress was made last evening, however. The only inflexible issue that hasn't been negotiated out, according to everyone, is the few hundred million dollars in federal subsidies for Planned Parenthood.

Obama Summons Congressional Children to Principal's Office

Jim Newell · 04/06/11 05:08PM

The president has convened a late night (for Washington) meeting tonight to solve the budget crisis before tomorrow night's government shutdown. 8:45 p.m. White House. Harry Reid and John Boehner will be there. Will you? Obviously not, because you're just some random person reading this website.

Weird Congressional Frosh Promise to Stand Outside Everyday

Jim Newell · 03/30/11 11:20AM

Oh, those House Republican freshmen. They're furious at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his Democratic caucus for not passing the full $61 billion in budget cuts that they want. Why can't Senate Dems just listen to the American people, they ask, and eliminate funding for every program Democrats like? Because until this happens, 30 House Republican freshmen promise to stand on the Senate steps everyday, just straight-up making a ruckus.

Will Democrats Gut the Filibuster?

Jim Newell · 12/23/10 01:37PM

The Senate: It actually functioned in the past week! But that was only after election pressure on moderate Republicans died down. Endless Republican obstruction will continue next year, more painfully. Will Democrats dare to change the "sacrosanct" Senate rules?

The Good News and the Bad News from Washington

Max Read · 12/17/10 04:10AM

A lot happened in Washington, D.C. on Thursday night! In the House, representatives passed President Obama's huge tax package, while in the Senate, Republicans embarrassed Democrats, again. Let's take a look at the fortunate and the unfortunate:

'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal Is Dead

Jim Newell · 12/09/10 04:59PM

Barring some extraordinary legislative feat, a repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" appears to be dead, finally. "Moderate" Republicans didn't get their ever-shifting demands met before Harry Reid brought it for a vote today, and it lost.