
Harlequin Wants You To Confess Your Sex Thoughts Online!

Emily Gould · 09/26/07 12:20PM

Legendary ladybook publishing company Harlequin is doing its darnedest not to be upstaged by online erotica, Zane ("Gettin' Buck Wild: The Sex Chronicles 2"!), and about eleven million other publishing trends that seem destined to put the Canadian company into a fatal swoon eventually. Their latest sally: A website, HarlequinRomanceReport.com, where readers are encouraged to anonymously post their dirtiest fantasies! It's like PostSecret without all the ones about molestation.

Effete 'Vanity Fair' Sniffs at NASCAR Romance Novels

Chris Mohney · 11/03/06 09:10AM

Planted in the print version of this month's Vanity Fair along with James Wolcott's broadside versus red states is mention of a Harlequin romance sub-series we had no idea existed, and yet instantly approve of. This series is "set against the backdrop of the thrill-a-minute world of NASCAR." Titles include On the Edge, Dangerous Curves, and (chuckle) In the Groove. Sadly lacking are Killed in a Flaming Ball of Wreckage and Swabbing the Black Crud Out of Your Nostrils After a Day at the Track. Anyway, VF takes aim at the latest title, A NASCAR Holiday: