
Watch Nude Teacher Harlan Porter Perform His One-Man Show

Seth Abramovitch · 04/28/11 08:27PM

Yesterday, we brought you the unusual story of Harlan Porter, a teacher arrested for wandering naked around the halls of the Georgia school that had recently fired him, speaking of a "new level of enlightenment" and an open "third eye." It turns out that wasn't Porter's first raw, public exploration of matters metaphysical, as we've discovered these outtakes from his one-man show, The Evolution of U.

Naked Teacher Shows Up to School Praising His 'Third Eye'

Seth Abramovitch · 04/28/11 12:11AM

You know that common recurring nightmare where you're wandering around your elementary school after hours, and you stumble into your teacher, and he's completely naked and wanting to talk to you about enlightenment? No? Maybe it's just me. Anyway — that scenario has played itself out in real life. What does it all mean?