
Why You Just Got New York Times Spam

Ryan Tate · 12/28/11 03:55PM

The New York Times says it didn't send a mass email erroneously telling loads of people their subscriptions were expired. But all indications are that the message originated from the paper or its approved vendor, likely as a mistake.

Chinese Hackers Beat U.S. Chamber of Commerce Into Total Submission

Ryan Tate · 12/21/11 04:40PM

Hackers in China have reportedly gained total access to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's computer systems, including six weeks of emails relating to the lobbying group's Asia policy. After the FBI alerted the Chamber to the breach, the pro-business group hired private computer investigators to fix the problem. But the free market has been utterly helpless to stop this communist menace.

Mark Zuckerberg Can't Protect His Own Facebook Photos

Ryan Tate · 12/06/11 03:38PM

When Facebook isn't intentionally destroying your privacy, it's doing so unintentionally. That even goes for Mark Zuckerberg: Two years ago, the Facebook CEO's once-private pictures were exposed to the world after the social network changed its privacy defaults. Now his once-private photos are again exposed to the world, this time thanks to a security flaw.

Restaurant Depot Hacked by Russian Cyberthugs

Seth Abramovitch · 12/05/11 10:14PM

If you used a credit card between the dates of Sept. 21 and Nov. 18th at national restaurant wholesalers Restaurant Depot or Jetro Cash & Carry, then you should probably know that Russian cyberthugs wearing leather blazers and gold chains and stinking of Armani Aqua di Gio are currently selling your information on the black market.

Watch the Creepy Software That May Be Spying On Your Phone

Ryan Tate · 11/30/11 04:19PM

If The Social Network taught us anything, it's that no technology feels real until it's effectively rendered in moving pictures. That's why this new video of the software tracking every keystroke on most Nokia, Android and BlackBerry devices is so important.

Hackers Could Turn Your Printer Into a Flaming Death Bomb

Adrian Chen · 11/29/11 11:23AM

Printers: Friendly office servants, or deadly ticking time bombs just waiting to explode? Computer security researchers have figured out a way hackers could possibly, maybe, program your computer to burst into flames from "half-way around the planet."

4chan Gets a Taste of Its Own Medicine

Adrian Chen · 11/15/11 06:50PM

4chan, everyone's favorite pile of internet poop, has been mostly unavailable for the past two day due to a massive distributed denial-of-service attack. Hard to shed a tear for the 4channers, whose Anonymous denizens are pioneers of the DDoS.

Facebook Is Drowning in a Flood of Hardcore Porn

Adrian Chen · 11/14/11 06:42PM

If you walked by your coworker today and saw hardcore porn filling her screen, there may be an innocent explanation. Some sort of hack is currently spewing porn and gore all over Facebook. It's a porn flood!