
Some Fireworks Safety Tips for Tonight

Max Read · 07/04/11 03:27PM

Happy Independence Day, America! And what better way to celebrate President Whitmore's famous speech than with fireworks? But please, be safe! We've collected some important fireworks safety tips here. Print out several copies and bring them to your barbecue! It's a great way to make friends.

How to Be a Young Lady in 1939 Manhattan

Max Read · 07/03/11 01:03PM

While sorting books, Reddit user unmoderated found a copy of New York: Behind the Scenes, a 1939 guide by Lee Mortimer, and scanned the very valuable "Young Lady in Manhattan..." section (apparently part of a larger "Family in Manhattan" chapter). It's fascinating. And, admittedly, a little out of date ("unescorted ladies might as well hang themselves after ten p.m."), though the job market for young New Yorkers doesn't sound all that different from now:

Spoiler Alerts: A Manifesto

Brian Moylan · 07/01/11 02:41PM

America loves having its movies and television shows recapped, reviewed, and regurgitated back to them, but the one thing that it hates more and more is having the events of those things spoiled by reviewers. It's time for a guide on what constitutes a spoiler and what does not.

A Brief Guide to Capitol Hill 'Seersucker Thursday'

Jim Newell · 06/23/11 04:25PM

Congressmen and Senators may be having some trouble with their debt ceiling negotiations today — specifically, Republicans keep walking away of them — but that's not really important. Who cares about "bonds"? Especially today, on Seersucker Thursday!

How to Detect and Capture Farting Bedbugs

Jeff Neumann · 05/14/11 02:10PM

Everyone knows that bedbugs are gross jerks that attack war veterans. But were you aware that they're also gassy? Luckily, you can use their flatulence against them thanks to an "exciting newly patented product" called the BBD-100.

A Friendly Reminder That the World's Ending in Two Weeks

Lauri Apple · 05/08/11 12:31PM

In-the-know Americans have been getting ready for May 21, when Jesus is going to return to Earth and kick off the Rapture—aka "Judgment Day." Hopefully you're prepared for all the excitement to come, yes?

How to Have Sex With a Dinosaur

Max Read · 04/13/11 08:02PM

The key question with dinosaurs, as with so many things, is "How can I have sex with them?" With the help of Slate's Explainer column, we've constructed a step-by-step guide.

A List of Sarah Palin's Feuds

Jim Newell · 04/05/11 04:04PM

The Atlantic has compiled a list of Sarah Palin's feuds that have broken out in the media, which it can't stop updating as more and more come to memory. Here's the long list thus far, which includes this lil' old website here.

How Not to Get Fooled on April Fools Day

Brian Moylan · 03/31/11 05:53PM

It's April 1st, the day when every office jokester and petty prankster thinks up some gags at your expense that they think will be hilarious. Well, not this year, jackass. Here's a guide on how not to fall for anything.

How To Avoid the Upcoming Plague of Male Depression

Max Read · 03/01/11 03:31AM

According to a new article in the British Journal of Psychiatry, the rate of depressive disorders among men in Western countries is likely to increase greatly—possibly catching up with that of women, who are are currently twice as likely to be diagnosed with a depressive disorder. Are you a man? Don't worry! We have solutions for you.

A Glee Guide for Straight Guys

Brian Moylan · 02/04/11 04:55PM

Fox has scheduled its love-it-or-hate-it hit Glee in the time slot immediately following the Super Bowl. This means millions of drunk straight guys will watch the beginning and think, "What the hell?" We're here to fill you in.

How to Start a Letter

Max Read · 01/06/11 04:07AM

According to The Wall Street Journal, no one uses "dear" as a salutation when writing emails, because it is "girlie." This makes writing email so confusing! Luckily, we're here to help, with a guide to letter-writing in the 21st century.

The GOP's Official Freshmen Survival Guide

Jim Newell · 11/23/10 04:30PM

The many incoming Republican members of Congress are still enjoying Freshmen orientation: Boring lectures by day, secret Boehner orgies by night. But are these sore, hungover noobs even learning anything? Yes! It's all found in Eric Cantor's Official Freshmen Guide.