
Can You Identify This Mystery Celeb?

Caity Weaver · 09/26/13 03:25PM

At 3:47 this afternoon, Gawker received an email from a publicist inquiring whether we "might be able to fit" a photo of a MYSTERY CELEB on the website today.

Fraudster, Hacker, or Pedophile?

cityfile · 08/19/09 01:19PM

Computer hackers and the perpetrators of securities fraud are having quite a moment, aren't they? This week, the man behind the largest computer hacking case in U.S. history, Albert Gonzalez, was taken into custody and he now finds himself in a (computer-less) jail cell in Brooklyn facing charges he made off with 135 million credit and debit card numbers. And we certainly don't have to tell you that 2009 as been a banner year for fraudsters armed with all any number of financial schemes designed to line their pockets and empty your own. But can you tell the difference between a computer hacker and fraudster just by looking at them? And could you differentiate a rogue techie and evil financial genius from a garden variety pedophile? It's harder than it looks! Below you'll find a sampling of mugshots of men who have been arrested for one of the three crimes. It's up to you to tell them apart. Good luck!

NYC Prep, Real World Edition

cityfile · 06/25/09 12:18PM

One of these three teenagers who attended a benefit last week for the Association to Benefit Children at Dylan's Candy Bar—and who appear on New York Social Diary today—is the daughter of one New York City's most prominent and highly paid CEOs. Guess which one—and who her dad is—and you'll find the answer below.

Know Your Sun-Kissed Socialites

cityfile · 06/19/09 08:06AM

Whether it's the real sun (or the sort of glow that can only come from a bottle or fluorescent lamp) is up to you. But you'll find the answers after the jump.

Courtroom Sketches From the Astor Trial

cityfile · 06/16/09 08:11AM

It's really a shame there haven't been cameras at the trial of Anthony Marshall, the son of Brooke Astor who now stands accused on plundering his mother's fortune. Hundred (thousands?) of Upper East Siders would have been glued to their TV sets the past few weeks. Sketch artist Jane Rosenberg has been in attendance the past few weeks to document the goings-on with paper and colored pencils. Can you identify the notable people above who've appeared on the witness stand? As always, answers below.

Guess the Smiling Socialite

cityfile · 02/24/09 09:35AM

Can you pick out the socialite based on the perfect (or not-so-perfect) smile she flashes for photographers thousands of times a year? Answers below!

Know Your Hedge Fund Wives

cityfile · 02/03/09 07:52AM

Some of these women are still riding high. Some may soon be packing up their homes in East Hampton and taking a final spin on the Gulfstream jet. Their identities after the jump.

Guess the Vacationing Designers

cityfile · 01/06/09 08:46AM

Winter vacation is over (for most people, at least), but if the holidays left you with a depressing spare tire around your midsection and you need a reminder that nature doesn't discriminate—and plastic surgeons aren't miracle workers—the third picture from the left should boost your spirits. The identities of the four designers after the jump.

Guess the Ex-Husband

cityfile · 11/13/08 09:08AM

Can you pick out the ex-husband of the actress, socialite, singer, TV talk show host, political fundraiser, and magazine editor? Click on "More" for the answers.

Know Your Political Ex-Wives

cityfile · 10/03/08 08:46AM

These three women were all once married to prominent local politicians. Know who they are? Answers after the jump.

Early Joker Mock-Up Reminds Us of a Producer We Know

STV · 08/08/08 03:50PM

It's well-known that the conceptual period preceding The Dark Knight was an exceptionally fertile time for all involved — smooth Batsailing for a creative team responsible for reimagining the heroes and villains of Gotham City. Chief among those visions was The Joker, preliminary sketches of whom are now appearing in a new coffee-table book for the fanboy who has everything, The Art of The Dark Knight. An attentive reader points out today, however, how one of the early, nastier Joker mock-ups reminds him of an old friend of Defamer — a guy whose uncanny likeness would have no doubt stirred more controversy, trouble and tragedy than all the accursed Dark Knight infamy we've observed over the last year.

The Smallest Socialites

cityfile · 08/05/08 07:55AM

Angelina Jolie might think her new twins are pretty special now that she's earned a cool $14 million for the photo rights. But there are plenty of New York socialite moms who think their kids are pretty important, too. Will any of these kids turn into the Tinsley Mortimer or Peter Davis of 2025? Take you best guess at who these little youngsters are related to, then click through for the answers.

Adventures in Celebrity Scents

cityfile · 07/23/08 08:16AM

Eight bottles of perfume/cologne and the eight celebrities to blame for unleashing them on the naive public: Recognize the hands or the shapes of the bottles? The answer key after the jump.