
Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/13 08:08AM

As fun as baseball cards were as a kid, reading about a group of grown men hungrily tearing through boxes of sports cards in search of a "hit" is rather bleak.

Tom Cruise's Dark Knight

Richard Lawson · 06/28/10 09:51AM

The pre-July 4th weekend brought two soaring successes and a few miserable failures, adding more drama to this rollercoaster summer movie season. Let's take a look at the week before America's birthday.

Did a Mississippi School Stage a Fake Prom for a Lesbian and Her Date?

Richard Lawson · 04/05/10 11:08AM

Constance McMillen, Mississippi teen, recently caused an uproar by wanting to bring her girlfriend, a lesbian, to the prom. Well, after much legal ballyhoo, the school district caved and invited her to prom. Turns out, though, it mighta been fake.