
'Grey's' Producers Ready to Pull the Plug on T.R. Knight

Kyle Buchanan · 12/09/08 12:50PM

Usually, when rumors circulate that an actor may be leaving his hit show, strongly worded denials are forthcoming from the actor, his manager, his publicist, the showrunner, someone's mom, and even a loyal dog as character witness. However, when are things ever business as usual on the war-torn set of Grey's Anatomy? Yesterday's report that T.R. Knight had packed up his dressing room and hadn't attended a table read since the second episode of this season prompted an unnamed Grey's rep — not Knight or any of his management — to issue a vague non-denial denial to Us Weekly. Now, EW is reporting that the rumors are true:

Rumor: T.R. Knight Walks Off 'Grey's Anatomy' Set

Kyle Buchanan · 12/08/08 06:06PM

When we asked you which difficult doc on Grey's Anatomy doc was being punished with less screen time, you resoundingly guessed, "T.R. Knight" (with just one dissenter answering "Boo-urns"). Now, rumors are flying that Knight himself has reduced his screen time to zero by walking off the show entirely.

'Grey's' Banishes Its Lesbian to The Parking Lot of No Return

Kyle Buchanan · 11/07/08 04:39PM

Grey's Anatomy finally entered the final phase of its gaywashing yesterday, disposing of Brooke Smith's Dr. Hahn in a scene as muddled and incoherent as Smith's actual firing.Hahn and her on-screen love interest, Sara Ramirez's Callie, had only one scene where they discussed their same-sex leanings, and it came near the end of the show. The exchange started in classic Grey's "This hospital issue is really about our relationship!"-speak before devolving into...well, we don't know exactly. It appears that Hahn gets mad at the somewhat reluctant Callie and says, "You can't kind of be a lesbian," which is awfully tough talk for a character who just realized she was a lesbian in the last episode. "I don't know you at all," Hahn continues, before storming off into the parking lot (where she is presumably flown back to her home planet on a rocket ship booby-trapped by worried ABC executives).

T.R. Knight Faces Shouting and Homophobia Somewhere Other Than the 'Grey's' Set

Kyle Buchanan · 11/06/08 08:15PM

T.R. Knight was the first high-profile gay star to contribute to the "No on Prop. 8" cause, and he didn't simply stop there. The Advocate has just published a first-person piece by the actor in which he recounts the sometimes-stormy volunteering he did outside a polling place on Election Day. While holding up signs, Knight was met with a steady stream of Isaiah Washington-style invective, and he details the culprits:

McDreamy McAngry About the 'Grey's Anatomy' Gay Firing

Kyle Buchanan · 11/05/08 04:33PM

Now that ABC has unceremoniously axed Brooke Smith's lesbian character from Grey's Anatomy and performed a wholesale gaywashing to turn an upcoming bisexual guest arc into a totally heterosexual, female bonding adventure, other Grey's stars are speaking out — or, in the case of Patrick Dempsey, using loaded silences to make his thoughts on the matter known.Dempsey appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show today (incidentally, a program that Sara Ramirez's Callie will no longer be watching) and when DeGeneres brought up the firing, McDreamy pulled out a canned response ABC had sent to him and read from it sarcastically. Afterward, DeGeneres asked if the firing was OK. "It is for them," said Dempsey, providing enough passive-aggressive venom to make Isaiah Washington (busy waiting tables at the NBC commissary while he waits for that follow-up call from Ben Silverman) point to the screen and insist, "See? That's what I was talking about!"

Last Call

Douglas Reinhardt · 10/31/08 07:00PM

Click to Popular TV doc Katherine Heigl nearly passed out on the red carpet after catching a whiff of her beloved pooch’s breath. Heigl knew her dog’s breath was going to be rather intense, but she obviously underestimated the strength of it. Heigl said, “Looks like we’ll have to up Ronaldo’s brushings to five times a day like his mommy.” Heigl also mentioned she will most likely introduce an intensive program similar to the program she introduced to break rocker husband Joshua Kelley of his bad single-man habits. Heigl added, “It took two weeks, but he learned to love sitting down while going pee.” [Photo Credit: Splash Pics] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

Not Even Katherine Heigl Can Stop Traffic These Days

Douglas Reinhardt · 10/14/08 02:48PM

Click to Hot TV doc Katherine Heigl struggled greatly as she attempted to flag down a valet, taxicab, party van or any other motorist in Los Angeles on Monday night. The Bug Buster star was anxious to get back home to catch the latest episode of The Hills since she forgot to record it and rocker hubby Joshua Kelley was off somewhere singing for his supper. After fifteen minutes of arm waving and jumping up and down, Heigl felt that her glasses may have been the problem. Heigl tossed her Tina Fey shades aside and began the quest for attention again. Sadly, the removal of the glasses did not improve Heigl’s chances. [Photo Credit: X17] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

Katherine Heigl Falls Off The Wagon ... Again

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/29/08 11:05AM

Click to It looks like Grey’s Anatomy star Katherine Heigl fell off the non-smoking wagon once again. Heigl had a good excuse for her return to the addictive habit: driving on the 405 freeway. Heigl had to swing down to Snoop Town aka Long Beach to pick up her mother from the local airport and what should have been a quick trip turned into hour of sitting still. Heigl said, “I don’t get it. I thought we were in a gas crunch and people were driving less these days. Wrong! Nope. Apparently, everybody is still driving and they’re on the 405 when I have to pick up my momager. She was so cheesed off.” With the mounting stress, Heigl turned the only thing she knew that would relieve the tension. Heigl added, “I was doing so well, but I guess I’m not strong enough to face the 405 yet.” [Photo Credit: X17] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

'Who Needs An Award Show When You Could Go Shopping With Your Mom, Right?'

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/23/08 03:30PM

Click to While a majority of Hollywood’s biggest and brightest TV stars were getting all dolled for the Emmys this past weekend, one of the other stars had plans of her own. Grey’s Anatomy star Katherine Heigl, who decided to sit this year’s Emmys out, went furniture shopping with her best gal pal, her mom. Heigl said, “I could’ve gotten all dressed up and walked the red carpet with everybody else, but you know what? Been there, done that. Now shopping for modern Danish furniture? That’s an adventure I’m willing tackle week after week.” [Photo Credit: INF Daily] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

What Can I Get For A Dollar?

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/12/08 12:20PM

Click to Evidence that even the famous are feeling the sting of the current economic crunch was displayed when Grey’s Anatomy star Katherine Heigl was spotted holding a dollar bill in Los Feliz yesterday. Heigl is interested in refurnishing her home, but she has to stick to her budget. Heigl said, “I feel like that kid in front of the ice cream truck just yelling, ‘What can I get for such and such’. Nobody has been that helpful so far. Just a lot of eye rolling and comments about how I should save it for the valet.” That said, Heigl’s strict budgeting has not affected the necessities. Heigl added, “We’re going to get the biggest HDTV they have at Best Buy. Maybe we’ll be able to write that off as a business expense since I have to see how I look in Hi-Def and all. I heard that I shouldn’t have anything to worry about.” [Photo Credit: X17] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

Rats. They Wrote Renee Instead Of Ellen On My Drink.

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/11/08 06:15PM

Click to Normally, a crippling fear of spilling her drink order consumes Grey’s Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo on her daily Starbucks run. Instead, the baristas must’ve assumed that when she used the name, “Ellen” it was a fake name and that her real name is Renee, as in Renee Zelllweger. Pompeo tried to laugh off the case of mistaken identity, but it really got to her. Pompeo confessed, “We’re both awesome and blonde, but that’s it. That’s where the similarities end. We’re nothing alike. Two completely different people.” [Photo Credit: Flynet] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.