
Lacey Donohue · 10/21/13 06:30PM

The Greek Roma couple found last week with a little girl named “Maria” were formally charged with her abduction Monday. Christos Salis and Eleftheria Dimopoulou have been placed in pre-trial detention while a worldwide search for the young girl’s family continues.

Happy Tourists Catch Rare Octopus, Beat it to Death, and Eat it

Caity Weaver · 07/26/13 04:43PM

An American family vacationing in Greece recently enjoyed a subdued, respectful trip abroad and returned to the United States without brutally killing and eating everything that wandered into their path. Just kidding. That will never happen. We're a hungry people! An American family vacationing in Greece recently caught an extremely rare form of octopus while out snorkeling, beat it to death on some rocks, and ate it.

This Week in Caves

Mallory Ortberg · 12/01/12 11:26AM

What kind of science news are you looking for today? Do you want to hear about ancient Greek murder caves? Korean unicorn caves? About those crazy little eyeless fish that swim around in silt-black underground lakes as if to say that eyes are for chumps? You're in luck; all of those things have been discovered this week.

Jon Stewart Has Some Questions for France

Matt Toder · 05/07/12 10:28PM

The past weekend's pivotal elections in France and Greece will make some definite waves in Europe. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart recapped the events and pondered a few lingering questions that just beg to be answered.

Greek Protesters Set Fire to Notable Buildings, Starbucks

Louis Peitzman · 02/12/12 05:25PM

In order to salvage a tanking economy, Greece is expected to pass a package of severe budget cuts — and many citizens are not taking it well. As Parliament prepared to vote on the new plan, which would cut 3.3 billion euro from people's wages and pensions, protesters began rising up, starting a series of fires using homemade explosives.

Greece Is Almost Ready to Make a Deal, Maybe

Louis Peitzman · 01/28/12 12:48PM

Well, progress is progress. The New York Times reports that Greece is "inch[ing] toward [a] deal" establishing the new interest rates that Greek bonds will carry. No one can officially confirm what this compromise would entail, only that "bondholders have made significant concessions with regard to the interest rate." But let's not get too excited.