
Great Moments in Journalism: Lindsay Lohan Does Not Qualify, Sorry

abalk2 · 12/08/06 06:00PM

Okay, it's the end of the week for one lucky Gawker editor, time to choose. Please select your favorite entry from the poll below (Note: each selection will take you back to the original piece, in case you need to refresh your memory.). The poll will remain open until, oh, whenever the hell we wake up from our sad turkey coma, at which point we'll announce the winner and the prize. In the meantime, keep reading, and keep sending us your selections.

Great Moments in Journalism: Great 'MoMents in Journalism

abalk2 · 12/08/06 08:20AM

Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address. Okay kids, end of the week, poll up later. Your Moment comes from an article in yesterday's New York Sun which seems to precisely identify the historical era in which faggotry first reared its divisive head:

Great Moments in Journalism: Suck and Blow

abalk2 · 12/07/06 08:20AM

Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address.Today's Moment comes from Will Dunham of Reuters, who makes astrophysics accessible to his readers through use of metaphor!

Great Moments in Journalism: Stretching Out

abalk2 · 12/04/06 08:20AM

Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address. The polls are closed, and your winner is Entertainment Weekly's Clark Collis, who narrowly edged out the ESPN sportswriter with his piece on how Gwen Stefani isn't on the run from the SS. Clark wins a copy of Gunter Grass' Peeling the Onion. Because we kind of feel like Greg Garber got jobbed, we're going to start the week with another entry from the noble profession of sportswriting. As is so often the case, your Moment comes straight from the lede:

Great Moments in Journalism: Nothing Special, Just Voting

abalk2 · 12/01/06 06:15PM

Okay, it's the end of the week for one lucky Gawker editor, time to choose. Please select your favorite entry from the poll below (Note: each selection will take you back to the original piece, in case you need to refresh your memory.). The poll will remain open until, oh, whenever the hell we wake up from our sad turkey coma, at which point we'll announce the winner and the prize. In the meantime, keep reading, and keep sending us your selections.

Great Moments in Journalism: Stick To LeRoy Neiman Metaphors

abalk2 · 12/01/06 09:20AM

Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address. Okay, kids, end of the week, we'll throw a poll up later in the day. For now, your final Moment. It comes from an ESPN story about Holley Mangold, the football playing high school girl who happens to be a sister of Jets center Nick Mangold. That's not important, what you're looking for here is the picture painted by writer Greg Garber:

Great Moments in Journalism: Fatty Crap

abalk2 · 11/30/06 08:20AM

Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address. Your Moment today comes from an LAT piece on the pressing scientific conflict over the efficacy of weight-loss strategies presented in NBC's "The Biggest Loser." Yes, you read that right. Anyway, here's the lede:

Great Moments in Journalism: Don't Tell Me, 'Cause It Hurts

abalk2 · 11/29/06 08:50AM

Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address. Your Moment today comes from a recent EW (yes) profile of Gwen Stefani. The stylish musician (can you feel the air quotes around both of those words?) is a big Sound of Music fan, which leads to this unfortunate, if inevitable, comparison:

Great Moments in Journalism: Limping Toward The Finish Line

abalk2 · 11/22/06 06:05PM

Okay, it's the end of the week for one lucky Gawker editor, time to choose. Please select your favorite entry from the poll below (Note: each selection will take you back to the original piece, in case you need to refresh your memory.). The poll will remain open until, oh, whenever the hell we wake up from our sad turkey coma, at which point we'll announce the winner and the prize. In the meantime, keep reading, and keep sending us your selections.

Great Moments in Journalism: The Breakdown

Chris Mohney · 11/22/06 09:00AM

You are, of course, familiar with our recurring Great Moments in Journalism feature, where readers submit particularly fantastic examples of particularly terrible work in the field. We've accumulated enough of these to form a potentially significant data set, and you know what that means: Bring on the pie charts. Oh yeah. After the jump, Intern Mary delves into the statistical deep to determine whose journalism moments are greatest, and who has those great moments most often. You'd figure we probably spend a lot of time picking on little hick town papers and their quaint little hillbilly turns of phrase, right?

Great Moments in Journalism: Your Vote Is Not Expendable

abalk2 · 11/17/06 06:55PM

Okay, it's the end of the week, time to choose. Please select your favorite entry from the poll below (Note: each selection will take you back to the original piece, in case you need to refresh your memory.). The poll will remain open until, oh, whenever the hell we wake up Monday morning, at which point we'll announce the winner and the prize. In the meantime, keep reading, and keep sending us your selections.

Great Moments in Journalism: Every Sperm is Sacred

abalk2 · 11/17/06 08:30AM

Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address. Okay, end of the week, poll up later, you know the drill. Here's your final Moment of the week. It comes from Salon, but this time it's actually worth letting the ad run in another window of your browser until you check back; it's a Moment of pure pathos. The story concerns a man who - well, let's let Salon tell it: "When a fertility clinic mistakenly placed a client's sperm in the wrong woman, the man sued for the right to be called the baby's father. Trouble is, the law says he's nobody's daddy." As great as that is, it's not your Moment. Get ready:

Great Moments in Journalism: In da Club

abalk2 · 11/16/06 08:30AM

Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address. We're pretty much hitting bottom on this one (Washington Square News makes high school papers look like the frigging Times), but this Moment is too great not to pass up. Here's an impassioned plea for the plight of the brainless clubgoing female, who is too dumb to understand that the guys buying her drinks really just want to do it to her: