
Why Marco Rubio Cannot Believe In Science

Mallory Ortberg · 11/19/12 09:17PM

Florida Senator Marco Rubio has clearly learned a thing or two from Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock when it comes to qualifying public statements. Reminding us that a comprehensive understanding of the earth's history is reserved for only the most seasoned of sages and alchemists, with many glowing astrolabes, he told GQ that the true age of the planet is "one of the great mysteries" of our time. It seems fairly clear, however, that in suggesting parents teach their children about the formation and development of the planet using either "what science says" or "what their faith says" where he lands on science.

Sexile in Guyville: Lady Writers and the Male Celebrities They Profile

Emma Carmichael · 03/22/12 04:30PM

In GQ this month, Claire Hoffman sits down with rapper Drake for the magazine's cover story. Drake is not a horribly interesting person, and celebrity profiling is not usually a horribly interesting craft, but Hoffman wrote a great piece. Within the few hours she spent at the rapper's mansion in The Valley, she essentially lived through a real-life chapter of a 16-year-old's fan fiction. Drake wined and dined her (with white wine spritzers!) in his backyard terrace—complete with waterfalls, bronze animal statues, and a giant fire pit "fit for a king from Middle-earth"—and they watched Sixteen Candles. All that was missing was a bearskin rug.

Literary Cad Also Lied About Having Sex With His Students in GQ

Maureen O'Connor · 02/16/12 05:44PM

Turns out Sam Kashner, the Vanity Fair contributing editor currently embroiled in a literary cheating scandal, has been accused of erotic deceit before. During his one-year tenure as a William & Mary English professor, Kashner wrote an ostensibly non-fiction bodice-ripper about sex with undergrads. The campus responded with outrage: Nobody believed Kashner could have tapped that much ass.

Don't Believe Everything Nick Nolte Tells You About His GHB Binges

John Cook · 12/14/11 03:16PM

In a new GQ profile, Nick Nolte upended one of the great tales of the internet age, revealing that his famous wacked-out mug shot—taken after he passed out while driving on the Pacific Coast Highway—was not actually a mug shot, but a Polaroid he willingly posed for after a cop asked for a picture. Is it true? As true as any recollection Nick Nolte has about his drug-induced catatonic episodes. Which is to say no, it's not true.

Jay-Z Becomes Symbol of the 1% in Awesome Scrooge McDuck Totem Pole Sculpture

James Apsimon · 11/22/11 01:29PM

Jay-Z's Man of the Year profile in the latest GQ extols the rapper's appreciation for art. Still, he probably won't want to add sculptor Daniel Edwards' latest work to his collection. As a response to Hova's recent Occupy Wall Street Rocawear T-shirt debacle, Edwards has created this rendering of Jay-Z with a big dollar-sign medallion around his neck and the heads of Mr. Burns, Scrooge McDuck, and Richie Rich stacked on top of him.

Larry King Wants to Marry Anderson Cooper

Richard Lawson · 07/25/11 01:19PM

Gentleman's Quarterly magazine, aka "GQ", recently sat down with milliongenarian TV personality and budding stand-up comic Larry King to ask him some weird 'n' wacky questions. They even played Fuck Marry Kill with some of King's CNN colleagues. And his answers were sexy.

Ted Haggard Comes Out as a Bisexual 21-Year-Old

Adrian Chen · 01/26/11 08:04PM

Disgraced former evangelist/methhead Ted Haggard is finally (sort of!) ready to admit that he is not straight, no matter how much gay-bashing he indulged in to prove it. In a new GQ profile, he says he's bisexual, sort of.

Robert Thomson Isn't Going Anywhere

Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/11 01:38PM

In your fleeting Wednesday media column: Robert Thomson is staying put, new offices for the HuffPo, ironic union troubles at Harper's, David Pecker is beloved without ever ordering anyone to love him, and A.J. Daulerio, profiled.

The Best and Worst Celebrities for Magazine Covers

Brian Moylan · 01/03/11 12:01PM

2010 was a great year for Lady Gaga, and a great year for magazines that put her on the cover, with L.G. issues selling higher than usual. But which celebs can't move a mag to save their lives?

The Hunky He-Men of the Great Recession

Adrian Chen · 10/16/10 01:24PM

Attention, men: "The twink thing seems over," declares GQ editor Jim Nelson in a New York Times article this weekend. That's right, it's time to ditch that slender, waif-like frame and pick up some biceps at the muscle store.

Why Don't Black People Love Fox News?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/27/10 12:31PM

In your head-scratching Tuesday media column: African-Americans simply can't appreciate Bill O'Reilly, more evidence of Tribune Co. hopelessness, GQ censors itself in China, and WSJ. magazine names a new editor.