
Lacey Donohue · 11/05/13 08:08PM

Chris Christie, the loudmouth prick who was deemed too fat to be vice president, has been re-elected as the governor of New Jersey.

Zsa Zsa Gabor's Eighth Husband to Run for California Governor

Ravi Somaiya · 02/17/10 07:52AM

It needed but this. Prince Frederic von Anhalt, who the AP describe as the "lover (never confirmed) of Anna Nicole Smith," and a "self-proclaimed member of European royalty," will try and fill Arnold Schwarzenegger's chair in the upcoming election.

Slick Rick Gets Full Pardon, Won't Bother Nobody

ian spiegelman · 05/24/08 09:14AM

Congratulations, rap pioneer Ricky "Slick Rick" Walters! You won't have to spend the summer on one of those sad, gray half-assed "beaches" of your native England, because the Governor of New York has granted you a full, unconditional pardon for your 1991 attempted murder conviction! "Walters, 43, has been under threat of being sent back to his native United Kingdom, although he has lived in the United States since he was a child. In a statement, he expressed gratitude to Paterson and his lawyers, and hoped that he could finally put the turmoil behind him. 'This has been a long and difficult road and I am happy for this to be settled once and for all," Walters said. "I look forward to enjoying this time with my family and friends and to continue leading an honest and productive life.'"