
Jon Stewart: Republicans Are a "Legislative C*ckblock"

Matt Cherette · 12/01/10 11:24PM

It's no secret that Congress stalls its progress leading up to an election day. But what about the few post-election, lame duck weeks? Tonight, Jon Stewart considered that while sarcastically opining on ambitious Democrats and... (legislative) cockblock-obsessed Republicans. Watch inside.

Jon Stewart to Julian Assange: "Stop the Drama!"

Matt Cherette · 11/30/10 11:36PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with the second segment in as many days regarding WikiLeaks' latest data dump (watch the first here). During it, Stewart went after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his exaggerated martyrdom complex, exclaiming, "Stop the drama!"

Jon Stewart Questions the United States' Relationship with Saudi Arabia

Matt Cherette · 11/29/10 11:22PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened The Daily Show with a bit about the latest WikiLeaks dump. After his sarcastic comments about the gossip-heavy nature of the leak, Stewart questioned the United States' curious relationship with questionably loyal Saudi Arabia. Watch inside.

Watch a Visualization of 200 Countries' Health, Wealth Over 200 Years

Matt Cherette · 11/29/10 05:21PM

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that life expectancy/income across the world was less in 1810 than in 2010, but how—and where—did the statistics tick up over time? In this stunningly visual presentation, Hans Rosling explains.

Jon Stewart's Takedown of Glenn Beck's Creepy George Soros Obsession

Matt Cherette · 11/18/10 11:27PM

Last week, Glenn Beck creepily revealed that George Soros was some sort of "puppet master" that Beck believes is set on overthrowing the American government. Tonight, Jon Stewart mocked the charade, and then turned the table on Beck. Watch inside.

A Fail of Militaristic Proportions on Wheel of Fortune

Matt Cherette · 11/16/10 08:23PM

Tonight's Wheel of Fortune featured three contestants who are currently serving in the US Military. Yay! That said, two of them had quite the problem solving the game's final puzzle—even after it was mostly filled out. Watch inside.

Jon Stewart Puts Another Nail in Carl Paladino's Coffin

Matt Cherette · 10/11/10 10:24PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about the midterm elections. The focus of a portion of that segment was homophobic New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, and Stewart didn't hold back when mocking Paladino's ridiculous hypocrisy. Video inside.

Jon Stewart, on DADT: Our Country Is Run By Assholes

Matt Cherette · 09/22/10 10:28PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about yesterday's Senate failure to bring to the floor a vote that would have repealed the archaic, discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Stewart asked: are we run by assholes? Indeed! Video inside.

John McCain Freaks Out at Reporters Over DADT Questions

Matt Cherette · 09/21/10 11:42PM

Apparently, John McCain—who helped block a vote to repeal DADT today—doesn't like explaining himself. When The Advocate's Kerry Eleveld and Metro Weekly's Chris Geidner asked McCain questions about the policy this afternoon, he got quite testy. Video inside.

Phone Sex Takes Over DMV's Old Phone Number

Maureen O'Connor · 09/17/10 03:28PM

1-800-DIAL-DMV used to connect you to New York State's Department of Motor Vehicles. Now it directs people to a lady who moans, "You're so big baby, wanna pull it out and watch it explode all over my beautiful backside?"