
Cord Jefferson · 10/10/13 05:54PM

But I thought the GOP was behaving like this on behalf of America? "By a 22-point margin (53 percent to 31 percent), the public blames the Republican Party more for the shutdown than President Barack Obama—a wider margin of blame for the GOP than the party received during the poll during the last shutdown in 1995-96."

Rich People Want Customer Service on Defective Congress They Bought

Tom Scocca · 10/10/13 04:00PM

Remember how Congressional Republicans went to the shut-down World War II Memorial to protest the fact that the Republican majority in the House of Representatives had just shut down the government? In a spectacular meta-expansion of that story line, today's New York Times checks in with the right-wing organizations that spent millions on millions of dollars to elect and entrench a Republican majority in the House. They're upset.

Brief Debt-Limit Hike Means the GOP Will Ruin Your Thanksgiving

Cord Jefferson · 10/10/13 03:12PM

House Republicans suggested interest in a short-term debt limit increase today in a move that would temporarily prevent the United States from defaulting. Hooray! Of course this means nothing for the government shutdown, and now you can look forward to more pathetic debt-limit brinkmanship taking place right around the holidays. God kill us, everyone.

Cord Jefferson · 10/09/13 04:06PM

GOP Rep. Phil Gingrey puts the shutdown into context by comparing Republican stubbornness to a Mel Gibson movie: "I mean, they seem to think that we will miss this opportunity for a 'Braveheart' moment to do the right thing for the American people, and that we'll back down for fear of losing the House..."

Cord Jefferson · 10/08/13 06:16PM

House Speaker John Boehner has responded to President Obama's speech earlier today by characterizing it as a demand for "unconditional surrender" by Republicans. Meanwhile, one global market-research firm says the shutdown is costing the American economy $160 million per workday.

Applying for Health Insurance: Before and After Obamacare

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/08/13 04:49PM

While politicians argue incessantly around President Obama's healthcare system overhaul, one thing gets frequently lost in the din: Does Obamacare actually improve America's healthcare system.

Obama: "We Can't Make Extortion Routine as Part of Our Democracy"

Cord Jefferson · 10/08/13 04:27PM

In a shutdown statement followed by a press conference this afternoon, President Obama said much of the same things about America's government standstill that he's been saying since last week: This is a situation caused by a handful of recalcitrant GOP jackasses who are unwilling to talk reasonably about how to end this mess. It is impossible to overstate this fact.

Prison Guards Watching Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Are Unpaid Right Now Too

Camille Dodero · 10/04/13 03:10PM

Thanks to this unbelievably asinine government shutdown, thousands and thousands of furloughed employees are getting royally screwed. But a gentle reminder that even excepted employees have been shafted too, employees like the corrections officers who're tasked with the Very Important Patriotic Work of guarding marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/04/13 11:33AM

The government shutdown has already caused thousands of federal workers to be furloughed. Now, a tipster tells us, a rumor is going around among Washington, DC city workers that they could be furloughed as early as Monday. If you know more, leave it in the discussion section below. (Update: The DC mayor's office denies this possibility.)