
Lacey Donohue · 03/20/14 10:15PM

[Baby gorilla Jengo hangs out in his enclosure at the zoo in Leipzig, Germany on Thursday. Jengo is one of two baby gorillas born at the zoo in the last four months. Photo by Jens Meyer via AP]

This Gorilla Walks Upright Like a Man

Matt Cherette · 01/27/11 03:06PM

It's Thursday, so what better a time to show you a video of a gorilla walking upright like a man—and like a boss, naturally—while all of the other gorillas look on in jealousy? That's what I thought, y'all.

Gorilla Apologizes To Letterman, Demands Office Supplies

Pareene · 01/09/08 05:22PM

Gawker regular Brian Van shot this picture outside David Letterman's Ed Sullivan Theater. We saw that sketch last night (23 striking writers, a guy in a Spider-man suit, Moses, and a guy in a bear suit all fit in a Jamba Juice—classic stuff) and we still have no idea what this gentleman's sign is about.