
Here is the Republican Plan to Rig Presidential Elections

Jordan Sargent · 01/24/13 11:18PM

Conservatives thought they were going to win the 2012 Presidential Election. Instead, they were trounced by Barack Obama for the second time, sending the party off to search if not for its soul, then at least for a way to win a major election. The GOP has long been hostile to anyone that isn't rich, white and male, and with the country trending against that demographic in just about every way, the GOP needs to rethink what it stands for and who it wants to stand for it. It is, the thinking goes, the only way that they can stay competitive on a national level in a post-Obama landscape.

God is Punishing Michele Bachmann's Campaign Staffers With Empty Pockets Because They Won't Sign Nondisclosure Agreements

Jordan Sargent · 01/10/13 11:40PM

Everything that happens on Earth is the work of God. Hurricanes? God. Earthquakes? God. Michele Bachmann not coming anywhere remotely close to winning the GOP nomination for president? God. Bachmann not paying her campaign staffers because they refuse to sign nondisclosure agreements? I hate it to say it, but that's God's will, y'all. Win some, lose some (to God).

Robert Kessler · 01/03/13 01:35PM

House Republicans have re-elected Rep. John Boehner as the Speaker of the House, once again.

Heritage, Not Hate: The Jim DeMint Adventure

Mobutu Sese Seko · 12/07/12 12:40PM

If you're one of those Democrats who's been riding a huge schadenfreude high since November 6, you probably took news of South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint's retirement in the customary way. With the online equivalent of going "WHOOOOOOOO" out of a limousine's sunroof, after doing a shooter with one of those awesome names like "Sex Intercourse with Boobs Outside."

9 Wisconsin Republicans Make Gov. Scott Walker Look Sane By Threatening to Arrest Federal Officials That Implement Obamacare

Jordan Sargent · 11/15/12 07:31PM

If you thought that the militantly insane factions of the GOP would feel beaten back by Barack Obama's resounding re-election victory, you were probably wrong. For example: Nine state lawmakers in Wisconsin say they are supporting a bill that would allow federal officials to be arrested for implementing Obamacare in the state. One of those nine lawmakers is state representative Chris Kapenga, who seems incredibly bad at his job.

How the Republicans Lost Another Black Supporter

Cord Jefferson · 11/06/12 06:10PM

When I tell people my father is a black Republican, many of them look at me curiously, as if I've just told them I was raised by mermaids. I assume they're surprised not only because much of my personal politics sit decidedly left of center, but also because black Republicans, who made up only 2 percent of the delegation at this year's Republican National Convention, have become somewhat of an urban legend, a phenomenon you might hear about on the news from time to time but will never encounter yourself in real life. On top of their rarity, America's black Republicans must also contend with the fact that some of their most notable comrades come off as either unserious or downright unhinged. For every levelheaded Colin Powell in the public eye, there is a man like Herman Cain, whose bid for the GOP's presidential nomination earlier this year was more circus sideshow than political campaign.

Former Colin Powell Aide States the Obvious: 'My Party Is Full of Racists'

Jordan Sargent · 10/27/12 10:09AM

The GOP is pretty racist. I could list examples, but we'd be here for the rest of eternity. This week's particular "widely believed racist conspiracy that some old, white Republican was dumb enough to say in public" comes from Mitt Romney co-chair and ex-George H.W. Bush chief of staff John Sununu, who said that Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama because Powell disagrees with Romney's foreign policy. Wait, no, it's because they're both black.