Watch Three Candidates for President Get into a Slap Fight
Brendan O'Connor · 02/25/16 10:55PMVery presidential.
Very presidential.
Somehow, impossibly, we’ve made it through five total GOP debates over the course of five months. We’ve seen spirits crushed (Jeb), lies told (everyone), and would-be dictators rouse the masses (Trump). At a certain point, all the racism, bickering, and stupidity just start blending together. Here’s a refresher.
“The first thing I would do would be make adjustments to reality,” Senator Lindsey Graham said in response to a question about whether he would support immigration reform again. Vampires are certainly powerful but this seems like an overstatement.
In tonight’s debate, Fox’s Brett Baier directed a question about the Obama administration potentially allowing transgender soldiers to serve openly in the military to Mike Huckabee, who gave the exact grotesque answer you would expect, saying that the military is “not a social experiment” and that is instead around to “kill people and break things.”
The first (real, non-consolation prize) GOP debate begins at 9 p.m. How long will Donald Trump last before security forcibly escorts him out? How many times will the angry white men utter the word “rape” for no apparent reason? How many groups of minority voters will be spectacularly and irrevocably alienated? And how much of the beautiful light inside of each and every one of us will die before the madness finally stops? We’ll be here (with special guest Glenn Greenwald), starting at 8:45 Eastern to find out.
On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart turned his attention to last night's Republican debate. Besides being miffed that we've had to endure twenty of these events, Stewart also couldn't believe Mitt Romney misquoting Seinfeld, Rick Santorum's reasonable explanations and the one word each candidate used to define himself.
What's going on with Rick Perry and Mitt Romney? Perry—who more or less slept through his first GOP debates—aggressively jumped on frontrunner Romney in Las Vegas on Tuesday night, earning an enthusiastic response from Romney, who gently touched Perry and attempted to teach the Texas governor the rules. Of the debate. You can smell the testiness! All the drama, and tension, of two coked-up frat brothers arguing about politics at 6 a.m.! And poor Anderson Cooper, the supposed moderator, just sitting there there on the sidelines.