
Gwyneth Paltrow Definitely Feeling Obama

Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/09/14 10:51PM

Gwyneth Paltrow threw a casual party Thursday night in Los Angeles for Obama and several hundred of her closest friends, noting in a speech to her guests that the president is progressive, and also hot.

Preserve Is the Most Disturbing Site On the Web

Allie Jones · 08/07/14 01:55PM

Preserve is actress Blake Lively's "lifestyle" blog that "honors the future, while having a love affair with the past." Preserve is home to a fictional essay titled "Flower Beards: Summer's Hottest Trend? Or a Death Sentence? A Story By Sir Willups Brightslymoore," which is about a man being beaten to death. The target audience for Preserve is the ghost of Felicity, American Girl doll. Preserve is completing its third week of public existence. Preserve is the most disturbing site on the web.

How to Conquer Gwyneth Paltrow's Evil Gift-Giving Goop Army: A Guide

MTanzer · 11/24/12 12:59PM

For those who don't know, Gwyneth Paltrow, the world's most perfect human and Beyonce's best friend, has a newsletter called Goop. It's filled with insight on how to be perfect and live your life exactly how the mother of two children named Apple and Moses lives her life.

Gwyenth Paltrow Creates First iPhone App For Perfect People

Adrian Chen · 12/13/11 06:15PM

New York City's great, except for one thing: There's no easy way to know exactly what establishments Gwyneth Paltrow patronizes when she takes human form and roams among us. Thankfully, her luxury lifestyle guide Goop just came out with an iPhone app.

Gwyneth Paltrow Grows Salvia in Her Garden

Maureen O'Connor · 05/12/11 10:45AM

Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP garden plan raises eyebrows. Leo and Bar Rafaeli break up. Lindsay Lohan's probation report says she was secretly drunk this whole time. Thursday gossip catches Miley Cyrus' attention.

Glee: Gwyneth Paltrow Is a Skank

Brian Moylan · 03/09/11 01:34PM

The GOOP mistress herself, Gwyneth Paltrow, returned to reprise her role as substitute teacher Holly Holiday and she taught everyone about how to get dirty. Gwynnie isn't my idea of a sexy, but this was another successful appearance.

Gwyneth Paltrow Is Gorging Herself On Rage

Richard Lawson · 04/06/10 03:26PM

From time to time on Gawker we stop to look at what Gwyneth Paltrow is eating. It's a lot! Though, like most people who seek comfort in bad foods, it does not cure her problems. She is still very angry.