
Googlephone is kinda ugly, but we took care of that guy who dared say so

Paul Boutin · 09/24/08 04:40PM

My heart goes out to MySpace employee Ulf Waschbusch, who used to be a product marketing manager for Google Mobile and therefore saw the company's Android phone in its early stages. "The reason many people see the G1 as ugly and old-fashioned is simply … because it IS!" he blogged yesterday. "It’s a design unchanged for a while." Waschbusch will spend the next month fending off accusations that he's a bitter ex-employee too short on Ph.D's to grasp the Googley beauty of the G1. Ulf, it's ok, you can come sit at our lunch table. But since you keep re-editing your post in hopes of softening the blows, here's your original text:

Larry, Sergey, and Hubert? NYU grad claims he invented Google

Paul Boutin · 09/23/08 04:20PM

Google's tenth anniversary seems to have tweaked Hubert Chang into posting this video. He claims to have co-invented Google's PageRank formula, business model and more along with Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1997. But Chang says he chose to complete his Ph.D. at New York University instead of dropping out to found a startup. He also claims to have passed on a chance to put his name on a conference paper — again to remain focused on his Ph.D. thesis. By the time Chang got his sheepskin in 2002, he says, Page and Brin didn't respond to his enquiries to join the company. After the jump, a second, more produced video from Chang in which he gives his version of the Google creation myth.Click to view

YouTube founder claims text is dead by 2018

Paul Boutin · 09/16/08 01:20PM

"In ten years, we believe that online video broadcasting will be the most ubiquitous and accessible form of communication." It's on the Official Google Blog, so take YouTube founder Chad Hurley's claim as a company statement. I envy Google's ability to have it both ways on just about any topic.Hurley claims his own site's "exponential growth" means video is becoming the dominant means of communication — not just for news and entertainment, but for everyday communication between individual people. He ignores the real-world evidence that people vastly prefer text-based communications — email, IM, phone texting — rather than the video tools built into nearly all new computers and most phones. Because he's rich and works for Google, Hurley's claim will be widely quoted today, and conveniently forgotten in ten years. Here's what no one will ask him: Chad, why did you post your world-is-changing claim in text, instead of uploading a video? (Photo by AP/Danny Moloshok)