
Secret British Military Base Draws Google Street View Chaos

Maureen O'Connor · 03/20/10 11:23AM

Mere hours after England's Ministry of Defense said it would not ask Google to remove images of their Army's special forces' headquarters despite the "security breach," some images are gone—but others remain! Let's spy on secret stuff.

Uppity German town vows to block Google Street View

Paul Boutin · 09/30/08 04:40PM

"You can see everything in those photos! That is opening house and home to criminals!" says Molfsee town councilman Reinhold Harwart, who plans to block Google Street View trucks by demanding they get local street vendor permits, then denying the permits. Peter Schaar, Germany's Federal Commissioner for Data Protection (can we get one of those?) told the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung that putting photos of people's houses on the Internet "will not do." Google spokeswoman Kay Oberbeck retorted in yet another German newspaper, "We don't need [no stinking] permits." (Photo by DDP)

Watch Google Street View cars on YouTube to know when to hide dogs, horses and drug transactions

Nicholas Carlson · 05/27/08 11:20AM

By now, we know what Google Street View cars look like. They're Prius-esque economy cars with pole-mounted cameras attached to the roof. But the evidence suggests that until you've seen one in action, you can't be sure you'd recognize a Google Street View car in time to hide your dog while it does its duty, cover your breasts, or disguise a drug transaction. So study up on the YouTube videos of Google Street View cars in action that are embedded below. Because so far the only privacies protected by Google belong to Google VP Marissa Mayer and a horse, of course.

10 strangest sights in Google Street View

Nicholas Carlson · 03/10/08 04:00PM

Click to viewThe Times of London collected "10 bizarre sights in Google Street View," but they didn't bother to show the pictures —all they did was link to them. Silly newspaper. See below for "Borat peeking out of a window in San Jose, California," "Someone apparently climbing over a fence in San Francisco" and the rest. My favorite is at the end: video of the Google Street View car going through a McDonald's drive-thru.