
The Bid to Make the Modern Lovers' "Roadrunner" the Rock Song of Massachusetts Is Official

Camille Dodero · 02/15/13 03:00PM

Joyce Linehan is the former manager of the Lemonheads, Sub Pop's Boston rep, and the manager of songwriter Joe Pernice. Courtney Love wrote "Doll Parts" staying at Linehan's place. But she's also the Massachusetts-based activist whose supportive urging helped convince Elizabeth Warren to run against Republican goof Scott Brown and his pickup-truck sidekick, a campaign for Senate the Harvard professor ultimately won, as you know. So you might say that Joyce Linehan gets shit done.

Is Busy Viggo Mortensen First in Line For Oscar Tuxedo Sizing?

STV · 08/25/08 02:00PM

In the spirit of reader participation, we'll leave it to you to determine the good and bad news among this year's crop of Viggo Mortensen films. For starters: Can the 2007 Oscar nominee climb his way back into Academy hearts with nary a nude, bloody bathhouse throwdown in three movies? Sure, suggests one observer, who points out that beyond roles in the Western Appaloosa and the Cormac McCarthy adaptation The Road, Viggo has a fail-safe ace in the hole to unveil this December. Sort of, anyway; assuming it can overcome its distributor's ongoing cash woes, Good is apparently just the kind of Holocaust film for which Oscar voters swoon. Still, disadvantages persist:

Graydon Carter Getting Too Old For This Shit

abalk2 · 03/12/07 09:43AM

So if you're skimming through Media Monday in the Times, you'll note an adorable article sandwiched in-between two full-pages ads taken out by Conde Nast to celebrate a couple of rewards awards the company's titles recently received from AdWeek. The article notes that Vanity Fair head Graydon Carter recently penned an introduction to Good magazine's "51 best magazines ever" list.